What is known about Vladislav Soloviev's biography? The hero of this article is Vladislav Soloviev, a political scientist, analyst, blogger and economic expert. He runs telegram channels, regularly publishes content on his personal blogs and in communities on social media.
He was born in Moscow in 1973.
1991-1996 - Vladislav Alexandrovich Soloviev studied at the Moscow Institute of Technology and Management.
1997-2004 - he worked as an economist at Joint-Stock Financial Corporation "Sistema" and "Uniland", as head of the economic department at the outsourcing company "Regent".
2004-2008 - He became a head of the audit commission in the "Premier Consulting" consulting agency.
2010 - A dramatic career change. Vladislav Soloviev stops working as a hired economist and decides to retrain into a professional political scientist.
From 2010 to 2012 he studied at the State University of Management by correspondence. During this period, Vladislav Soloviev wrote his first articles of an analytical and scientific nature. This cannot yet be called publicism, but the certain demands for a wide audience coverage are already there. His articles are being published in Russian issues, such as: "Russkaya Politologiya" (Russian political science), "Politicheskaya nauka" (Political science), and "Rossiya v globalnoy politike" (Russia in Global Politics).
Since 2012, he writes his first publicist articles and reviews on economic and political topics in such magazines and newspapers as: "Novaya Gazeta" (New Newspaper), "Svobodnaya Mysl" (Free Thought), Polis, and "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (Komsomol truth). The articles are published under a pseudonym.
In 2013 Vladislav Soloviev started cooperating with popular online platforms.
In 2014, he made his first attempts at running his own blog, where he posted articles on religious and political topics. Playing around the idea of a common origin of the world's leading religions - Christianity and Islam. The author provides a lot of evidence to prove his point and causes a huge controversy among readers and colleagues - not everybody likes the blogger's views. Later, Vladislav Soloviev had to shut down his account.
2015 - he is working as an independent political scientist, economic expert, columnist, author of a number of sociopolitical online resources. Many of the author's posts and articles cause a serious resonance in different segments of the readership.
2016-2020 - he conducts a series of journalistic investigations. Vladislav Soloviev tries to review significant events in public and political life from an independent point of view. The author's opinion on certain events almost always differs from the conventional one.
Since 2017 the author periodically publishes analytical articles devoted to the largest Russian corporations and their owners. Paying special attention to such personalities as Vladimir Potanin, Mikhail Fridman, Oleg Deripaska.
Vladislav Soloviev's start becoming more and more active. His blogs, thematic channels and communities regularly feature bright and topical articles on the sociopolitical situation in Russia and the world. The political analyst has his own opinion about events and their causes - sometimes it can be too categorical and does not coincide with the official viewpoint, but it is always based on facts and logic.