It's hard to imagine a childhood without Avatar: The Last Airbender. The adventures of Aang and his gang truly embodied the carefree elementary life I long to return to. But as much as the old Nickelodeon show brought about feelings of nostalgia, it also gave me support and happiness throughout the tough transitional times of the spring term.
Because the show brought back memories from one of my favorite times of my life, it was natural to feel more at ease and calm. Aang's adventures unknowingly helped me avoid falling into a habit of sleeping extremely late and being relatively unproductive. The episodes ended with relatively simple plot lines without having me obsessively curious to get to the next part, and that contributed to not staying up to watch the show. In a paradoxical way, binge-watching the show gave me something to look forward if I slept at normal times. I would be able to start the day with a fun recap and work until I needed to recharge again.
The method to my madness seems really trivial and childish, but being able to work on a different study and sleep schedule with my new commitments, I was able to adjust to another change in my first-year.
Although the trials of fire, water, earth, and air brought great turmoil for my 8-year-old self, it definitely helped me move through the grittiness of the wintery months of the spring semester.