Netflix released their show "Haunted" for the spooky season. The show tells the story of real individuals who have endured terrifying experiences with the supernatural. Each episode, an individual sits down with friends and family to retell their stories. During the retelling of the experiences, there is dramatizing of the events that give a horror movie vibe. The first season only has 6 episodes but leaves you wanting more chilling stories. You should go check out this show.
1. It's a spooky show
"Haunted" makes you want to curl up with warm blankets and freak out with any little noise you hear in your surrounding.
2. Short episodes
The episodes are short enough where you do not get bored with the plot nor the characters.
3. Every episode leaves you with some sort of cliffhanger
Whether the ending is a ghost grabbing a toy for a peace offering or leaving you to think aliens do scientific studies on humans.
4. You can binge watch it in a sitting
Every episode is roughly around 20 minutes, so two episodes in an hour. If you do not have anything going on for the day then completing the first season is no biggie.
5. No lingering spooks
Although the show is definitely spooky and does give you chills, you also don't finish the show being mentally spooked out. "Haunted" is more of a gateway show too much more terrifying shows or movies.
6. Believable spooks
You will believe in ghosts after this show because it is based on a true story! Okay, some episodes may seem really phony, but I blame the acting in the dramatization. It is the fact that the stories are based on true life that makes you question every noise you hear and every shadow.
There you go, six reasons to go onto your Netflix account and start watching "Haunted" before October ends!