“Bill Nye The Science Guy.” As I type these words onto my laptop, the catchy theme song starts rolling right into my head. I remember as a kid watching this show in school to help better understand what science is through fun and comedy and you can certainly never forget those colorful, crazy bow ties he always wore in every episode. I was literally jumping up and down when I heard that Bill Nye was coming back to the screen to start a new show,
Bill Nye was born in Washington D.C. in 1955 with a brilliant brain for science (engineering) along with a fantastic sense of humor. He studied at Cornell University and Sidwell Friends School where soon he would be able to add many different things to his impressive resume: actor, author, science educator, television presenter, and mechanical engineer.
In a 2014 interview for the Secret Life of Scientists and Engineers, Nye talked about the goals and inspirations that got him started in science. His inspiration to become a mechanical engineer started at a young age from the love for bicycles and airplanes. Many young boys love those types of things, but Nye decided to turn it into a career. His career began to take off his senior year of college when he won a look-alike contest for Steve Martin. Soon, he began dressing up as him professionally and realized how much he loved making people laugh.
From there, he started writing for a new television show called “Almost Live,” while volunteering at the Pacific Science Center. Not long after that, he put two and two together: science with laughter. The very first episode of “Bill Nye The Science Guy” aired on September 10, 1933. The show had a huge following, but eventually was canceled and after over 100 episodes and 19 Emmy Awards, the last one aired on June 20, 1998. When Nye talked about his show, he expressed, “If you want to entertain a kid, of any age, you make it funny.”
Nye’s original goal was to “change the world” and I believe he did just that. Many people have become scientists or engineers because they fell in love with it through his show. Since his show ended, he has continued to work in science and on other television shows, such as competing on ABC’s “Dancing With The Stars.” He is also the author of many children’s books, with his most recent one that came out in 2015 called Unstoppable: Harnessing Science to Change The World.
One thing that is very true through all of it is the fact of how popular he has stayed, as a personality, as well as a show. If you look at the original date it aired (1993), I wasn’t even born; yet, when I was in elementary and middle school, we were watching his show for science class. Fast forward another twelve years and it’s just as popular as when it first aired. The reason this hasn't changed is because the young kids who are now adults that used to watch his show, now have their own children who are continuing to watch and learn from it.
Nye’s new show, “Bill Nye Saves The World” is set to premiere sometime next spring. According to IndieWire, “Each episode will tackle a topic from a scientific point of view, dispelling myths and refuting anti-scientific claims that may be espoused by politicians, religious leaders or titans of industry.” The only difference between this new show and his loved old one is that we are going to be able to binge watch it on Netflix.
“There’s nothing I believe more strongly than getting young people interested in science and engineering for a better tomorrow, for all humankind.” -Bill Nye
I believe this statement fits perfectly with what Nye has accomplished over the years. He knows how to make science fun and easy to understand while filled with humor and entertainment for all. Yes, I started watching his show at the age of seven, but will I watch this new one as well? Heck yeah! Let’s say it all together now because it’s “Bill Nye The Science Guy.”