"Bill Nye the Science Guy" premiered on September 10, 1993 with its first episode, Flight. This show would go on to inspire a generation of quirky and imaginative children, many of whom are just now starting to graduate and move out into the real world. The Science Guy set the bar high for educational and entertaining children’s programing, and became a household hero for many families. Bill was such a great guy for young scholars to look up to.
Recently, we have seen a big resurgence of Bill Nye, with his appearance on "Dancing With The Stars," his presence in many high profile debates on topics like global warming and evolution, and appearances on talk shows. Now, we can tap into the lessons that Bill Nye bestowed upon us in the 90's on Netflix. That’s right, Netflix now has a sizable chunk of episodes from Bill Nye’s 19-time Emmy winning television show "Bill Nye the Science Guy." So dust off your old microscope and gather up your test tubes, because Bill is back!
Social media and internet fandoms were all abuzz with this nostalgic rerelease of the TV show. But why should you care? Why is this important to you?
For starters, a lot of people our age could use some refreshers. Forget what temperature water freezes at? Bill's got your back. Can't remember the name of those islands that Charles Darwin explored when developing his theory of natural selection? The Science Guy has you covered.
Bill also showed us a lot of experiments that are not only educational, but just plain cool. Crushing a soda can with ice water is still just as fun as ever, and also teaches you about how temperature influences matter. Along with these experiments, the gems of knowledge that may have been buried by years of schooling are great to bring back up. Be empowered with the knowledge that the earth is 93 million miles from the sun, or that the dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years go.
Bill Nye is also a fashion icon, with his signature bow tie. With the revival of his television series, perhaps the fashion landscape will again be influenced by Bill's classic lab coat-bow tie ensemble.
If nothing else, Bill's comeback will provide us with a chance to relive our childhood. Whether you were a microscope-toting, safety-goggle-rocking enthusiast or just another 90's kid that only watched him when the teacher played an episode in class, the return of the Bill Nye Science Guy is something we can all celebrate.