They say in life that there are people who will impact it in many different ways. I am a firm believer in that, but there is one person who is constantly pushing me, making me be a better person, and just in general, the best person I know, yes dad that would be you.
1. He Taught Me to Work
My father is by far the most hard-working person I have ever met in my life. He is a simple man who requires the little things in life, and although things don't go his way sometimes, he has always put in 110%. No matter if it was his job, his love for the sport he played, or his family, he puts the effort in. So naturally seeing his successes and his countless hours of work put in, it was embedded in me to do the same.
2. He Has Always Told me To Reach For the Stars
My father has always told me to follow my dreams. He has always told me that no matter what my dreams are in this life, that I can do it. He tells me not to settle, to go beyond what is in reach. That the world is in my hands and all I have to do is take it on.
3. He has Taught me to Enjoy the Little Things in Life
Now-a-days it's all about who has the newest phone or who has the newest clothes. My dad has always been one to appreciate the things in life one cannot buy. His family, which he has always reminded me, is there for life whether you like it or not. To cherish the time you have with them because it can be gone in an instant. To not just rush to the end, but to enjoy the climb we call life. To breathe it all in and count your blessings.
4. He Taught me the Important Lesson of Falling and Rising
My dad is not one to sugar coat. He is an honest and a sometimes blunt man. He told me that not all things are not going to come easy to me, that I have will fail. That some challenges I will not achieve. He said that although this might be the case, it is how I rise from it is what defines me. That if I learn from whatever mistake I made, will be the greatest reward. To rise gracefully and to try again until I succeed in what I am trying to accomplish.
5. He is Always there to Lift me Up When I am Down and Out
Although I am no longer living with him in the same house, if it is 5 A.M., if I may be half-way across the world, if I need him, he is always there. Even it is my fault to why I am sad, he will be there to listen, and to guide me. He will be the extra shoulder I need when the world seems a little to heavy on my own to carry. He will be the rock I need to bring me back to reality.
6. He is the Goofiest Person I Know
My dad is by far the funniest person I know. No matter what circumstance, he can make anyone laugh. He has a quality of bringing the funny to a bad situation. He knows how to poke others, but be able to poke at himself too.
7. He Lives for His Family
Everything he has done and every place that he has gone, has been for his family. Family is forever is what he has always told us. He would give his own life for his family and has passed that on to his children. Family no matter what circumstance, is always the key to your happiness.
8. He Gives me the Best Advice on Life
For whatever reason, he always seems to have the answers. It is like it's a handbook that he has for whatever situation I throw at him. He can always find a way help me even if it is on a subject he knows little to nothing about, he can give me some type of advice.
9. He has Taught me to be Open-Minded
He always tells me that there is always another way. That sometimes I need to step out of my shoes and look at something from another perspective. To be open to new experiences and challenges. To be worldly, and independent. That if I have a clear and open mind, success will find its way to me.
10. He has Taught me to Love Unconditionally
You have showed me what real love is. That love is shown everyday when you call me to chat about Florida State football and funny things that have nothing to do with us. You have given me the world, and then some. You have shown what it is to love your family with everything in you and to love what you do. You have set the standard. No matter what my flaws seem to be or the mistakes you know I am bound to make, you care for my happiness without any thought of what you might get out of it.
To us dad, you are our hero. We love you old man, don't ever change.