The Biggest Mistake I Almost Made In College | The Odyssey Online
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The Biggest Mistake I Almost Made In College

An Opinion

The Biggest Mistake I Almost Made In College

We all have different college experiences. Yet I almost made one big mistake that could have altered my entire college experience.

We all make mistakes in college. However we learn from those mistakes and make the most of it. That's the most important thing in life. Always learn from mistakes and move on from them.

College is the best four years of people’s lives. And after my first year, I can confirm that. It is the time to get out there and find out who you really are. Try new things, meet new people, and find out who your friends really are. This is also the time to look inside yourself and really decide who you are meant to be. Making mistakes is part of life and as long as you learn from them, it is a normal part of life. 

However, I almost made one big mistake in college that I almost regretted forever. I almost let others, along with myself, hold me back. Travelling is one of my passions and I almost stopped myself from doing this because I let others control me. I went through high school just living by others’ standards and not allowing myself to really look inside and finding who I was meant to be.                    

When I came to The Ohio State University I let myself be free. I tried new foods and just really threw myself into the freshman experience. I painted up for football games, tried different clubs and classes. This was probably one of the best things that I could have ever done. I remember my friend coming to visit me one weekend and commented how I had become a “free spirit.” This is something I would have never been called in high school. I was always too worried about things I couldn’t control and only worked, played sports and went to classes.                 

I see so many students come here that still let others control every move they make. From boyfriends/girlfriends to parents to friends, too many people let others control their lives to a point where they barely live anymore. It scares me to think about what I may have missed out on if I hadn’t taken control of my own life. The friends I met through Block “O” and Alpha Chi Omega have forever touched my life in the best way possible. I have really met my best friends at college and wouldn’t trade them for the world.                 

So my advice to people who may be starting college or even a new chapter in life is to branch out. Try new things, meet new people, and do something you’ve been wanting to do secretly. This could be skydiving, yoga, or even Indian food! Just put yourself out there because you never know what you are missing. Live your own life and don’t let others live it for you. As Drake said, “You only live once.” Well duh, you only live once. But that means that you should live a life that makes you happy. If you aren’t happy, you have the power to do something about it. So take control of your life and make yourself happy. Make college the best four years of YOUR life, not someone else’s.

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