Being The Bigger Person | The Odyssey Online
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Being The Bigger Person

"Dear you; make peace with yourself and watch the mirror change."

Being The Bigger Person

We are told from a very early age that people come in all shapes and sizes, and we must accept and love them anyway. We learn this, but we are not socialized to know this. Socially, we are taught that we all must be the same size. That has never been my reality.

I was 5'10 when I turned 13. This is not the normal height for a 13-year-old. According to, the average height of a 13-year-old girl is about 5'3. Clearly, I'm an overachiever.

I would stand next to my peers and instantly felt as if I would never be able to fit in with them because I have never been able to fit into the "ideal body." I have broad shoulders. I am tall. I will never be a size 2. That will never be my reality. When I was younger, it was okay, because it was just baby fat. Now that I'm an 18-year-old woman, I'm told that I should hate my body. I'm told that I should change it. These societal pressures encourage eating disorders and body dysmorphia.

This is something that I have struggled with for most of my teenage life. When I was younger, like the rest of those around me, I was not too concerned with my weight, because I was told that it would go away as I got older. This was never the case with me.

As a 13-year-old girl, I went on my first diet. Through my peers and my family, I had been convinced that I was not a "healthy" child. I was perfectly healthy; I just had a different build than other girls.

As a 13-year-old girl, I had already been socialized to hate my body. I remember standing in front of the mirror and poking at myself. I would think to myself "this is not what beauty looks like." I idolized girls that were skinny and girls that were smaller than me. I found myself behind the camera lens rather than in front of it because I did not like the person looking back at me in pictures.

This is how media and society makes young girls that do not fit into the "ideal" body category. I felt like I would never be good enough for anyone. I felt unlovable. I felt unworthy. I felt like an outcast.

Since I have accepted my body for what it is, here are 10 things that I have learned how to love myself.

1. I will never be a size 2, and that is okay.

Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. We are taught that as children, but not as teenagers and into adulthood.

2. Being tall is a great thing.

Not that being short is a bad thing, but being tall is pretty awesome, for more reasons than just being able to reach the top shelf of a cabinet. Sure, I hit my head on things when I'm not paying attention (which is most of the time). But in the long run, it pays off. I don't need to cram my feet into high heels to be taller. I just am.

3. No, I don't eat candy and junk food every day. My metabolism is just horrible.

Many people, when they look at a "larger" person, assume that this person eats unhealthily. While this may be the case in some people, it is not true for all. I happen to eat fairly healthy, which leads to my next point.

4. Eating healthy makes me feel better.

It has been proven by nutritionists that if you have a healthy diet, you will live a healthier life. When I eat healthily, I have more energy. I do not feel held down by junk food. I tend to sleep better and focus better. So, for the college students reading this, eat healthy, it might help you stay awake to study for that test.

5. I don't have to shop at popular stores.

Often times, the stores that my peers shop at won't have my size. This is okay. It makes me more creative and, in the long run, probably helps my bank account. Popular stores raise prices because they know that people will still buy their products no matter what. I can get away with not spending $60 on a pair of jeans.

6. I am still athletic.

Oftentimes, when people look at my sister and me, they assume she is the more athletic one of the two of us. This is because my sister has the smaller build out of the two of us. My body type makes me strong and it allows me to take up more space. My basketball coach loved me for this reason. Sure, I may be a little bit slower than the other girls, but I'm still athletic.

7. My worth is not determined by those around me.

My worth is determined by myself. It feels horrible when others choose to put a label on my body. The only person that has the power and the right to do that is me. I determine my own worth.

8. I am more than my body.

I am kind-hearted. I am caring. I'm a sister, a daughter, a girlfriend, and a friend. I have so many labels and so many different faces, that my body should not be the one I choose to focus on. There are many people that love me just for who I am. If others can do that, why can't I? This was a big realization for me.

9. I am worthy.

I deserve to feel like a million dollars. I deserve to have someone look at me like I'm the most beautiful person they have ever seen because it is a damn good feeling. I deserve to enjoy that feeling when it happens because it is one of the most amazing things I have ever felt.

10. It feels amazing to look in the mirror and to love the person looking back at you.

This was a major accomplishment for me. When I was younger, I found myself avoiding mirrors at all costs. I did not want to see the person staring back at me because all I could see were flaws. Now, I feel confident when I look in the mirror because I love the person looking back at me.

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