As days seem to be getting shorter and shorter and life seems to be requiring more and more time, we often catch ourselves running from place to place or jumping from thought to thought without a moment of rest. From working 40+ hours a week, to being a full time student, to having a side business, to trying to juggle everything in my life, I often forget to breathe. I forget to admire life and everything I have.
A week ago, I pulled into my normal parking spot at work and already started thinking about all of the things I had to do that day. I sat in my car, and I stressed myself out with all of my thoughts. As I got out of my car (balancing my purse, briefcase and coffee), I looked out into the pasture adjacent to the parking lot and saw the most beautiful sunrise I have seen in weeks maybe months. In that moment I wondered how many of these sunrises have I missed? How many sunsets have I missed? How many little things have I overlooked because I've allowed my life to become so fast paced? From the moment I saw that sunrise, I've stopped overthinking while driving and started analyzing all of the beautiful things I drive past on my way to work.
I challenge everyone reading this article to take 5 minutes a day to simply enjoy your surroundings.