The Big Ten is home to fourteen universities scattered throughout the Midwest and Northeastern United States. The colleges within the Big Ten have distinct stereotypes and personalities, which are evident through the fans interactions with one another. The rivalries within the Big Ten are real. There are teams that I hate with such a burning passion that people actually fear my health when Wisconsin plays against them; there are teams that I'm indifferent to; and there are teams that I always seem to forget about, much like the stars of Hollywood. There are those stars that you genuinely wonder how they became a star; there are stars you love to hate; and then there are those stars that you simply just hate.
1. Illinois
Illinois is one of those teams that people kind of forget about. They're sort of middle of the road in talent and sort of slip through the cracks. Every once in a while, they will have a promising season or future, but it never turns out in the end. The history of this team is rich. They had many football Big Ten and national championships back in the day, but no one really cares because it was so long ago. Adam Sandler was a comedic star of the 90s, but now, he's a flop. Much like Adam Sandler's fall from grace, Illinois today is mediocre.
2. Indiana
Indiana is a one trick pony. They're known as a basketball team. Their history is chock full of national championships, but no season has been able to compare to the glory days. Indiana is a one hit wonder, just like Taylor Lautner is. He was a teen heartthrob for such a long time, then after Twilight just sort of faded into the background. Sure, he'll star in a new movie every now and again, but he doesn't have the same recognition he used to.
3. Iowa
Iowa is annoying. This is one of those teams that no matter what, always complains about something. Lose a game? It was because of the refs or because their coach sucks. Win a game? It was because the players played their hearts out. Go almost undefeated? It's not fair that we aren't ranked higher. It's not fair that we play bad teams. Honestly, Iowa, just get over yourself. Kanye West would probably be a good match with Iowa. Both think (no matter what) that they are entitled to more than they are.
4. Maryland
Maryland is one of those teams that is newer to the scene. They have potential to be really great. There is so much promise, but it never seems to manifest itself. Maryland is like Ariana Grande. She has so much potential to be great, but she always kind of falls short. Maybe it's because she licked a doughnut, or maybe because all her songs sound the same. Ariana and the Terps will always be hopeful though.
5. Michigan
Michigan is arrogant and stuck up. The Wolverines think they run the Big Ten. They have a strong football, and basketball, history. It's also a great school. Therefore, you can't help but kind of admire Michigan. Michigan is like Justin Bieber. He's cocky and arrogant, yet some of his songs are jams.
6. Michigan State
Michigan State is the worst. The fans are rude and the players are cocky. Tom Izzo knows he's a great coach. Mark Dantonio thinks he's God's gift to football. Nicki Minaj is the Michigan State of the Big Ten. She thinks she's all that and a bag of chips. She also picks fights with other celebrities, in a similar way that the Michigan State fans pick fights with opposing team's fans.
7. Minnesota
Minnesota is that annoying little sibling that always butts in to conversations. Minnesota lives in the shadows of its wiser, older sibling, Wisconsin. Gopher fans care much more about the Paul Bunyan Axe rivalry than any Badger fan does (it's not a rivalry when you don't win, Gophers). Minnesota is the Solange Knowles of the Big Ten. We all know Beyoncé rocks, but most people wouldn't recognize Solange if they saw her on the street. Honestly, what does Solange do? No one knows.
8. Nebraska
Nebraska is a friendly team. It's fun to play because the players always produce good match ups. However, Nebraska's mascot really annoys most people. For that, the Cornhuskers are Taylor Swift. She has some great hits, but she always dates someone or says something dumb. Much like Nebraska, Taylor was so close to being perfect, but something about her just doesn't work for me.
9. Northwestern
Northwestern is obviously that really intelligent celebrity. But, that's kind of it. They had a good season this year in football, but honestly Northwestern is a pathetic excuse for sports fans everywhere. Northwestern has never made the NCAA Tournament. NEVER. That's just inexcusable. The Wildcats are like Albert Einstein. No one knows anything about him except that he was a genius.
10. Ohio State
Ohio State is a team everyone loves to hate. You respect so much about them because of the empire they've built, but you can't help but cringe when you think about their obnoxious fans (most of who didn't even attend Ohio State). Kim Kardashian also built an empire. But, Kim knows she rules the world. Kim and Ohio State know they're the hottest commodity in the world and love to revel in that glory. Also, Urban Meyer would totally be friends with Kris.
11. Penn State
Penn State lives in their own little world. No one really has an opinion on them. They fade in to the background very easily. Penn State is like Hillary Duff. At one point, Penn State was a team everyone was talking about, but now, no one really knows what goes down over there in College Park. Kind of just meh all around.
12. Purdue
Purdue is another team that is middle of the road and kind of just floats there. They're pretty good at basketball; not so great at football. Purdue is like Katy Perry. She produces a lot of songs, but she never something amazing. Every once in a while, she'll have a hit, but most of her songs are the same old tune and people get bored.
13. Rutgers
Rutgers just doesn't make sense in the Big Ten. It's located in New Jersey, so no one wants to travel all the way over there. It had some success in the past, however, it was never a great team. Rutgers is like Snooki. She really has been forgotten about. It's easy to forget about Rutgers because it's not like it made a name for itself in the Big Ten last season. Rutgers is just there not really doing much of anything, like Snooki.
14. Wisconsin
Wisconsin is the bridesmaid, but never the bride. It has consistently good programs, but the programs never take the next step and become great programs. The Badgers are underrated. They always have promising seasons and then one loss kills them. They come so close, but it never turns out. Leonardo DiCaprio is a good actor, but he's never received an Oscar and joined the elite actors, much like Wisconsin has never joined the elite football or basketball programs.