11 Reasons Attending A Big Ten School Is Everything
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11 Reasons Attending A Big Ten School Is Everything

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

11 Reasons Attending A Big Ten School Is Everything
Purdue University

Any Big Ten student would argue that their own school is the best, but I am sure we can all agree that the Big Ten collectively is the best group of schools in the country. It is well known that we stand out in all areas that make up a successful university. Whether it is athletics, academics, retention rates, school pride, or student happiness levels, the Big Ten conference outshines all other competitors, making our schools some of the most sought out universities in the world.

1. Sports Teams

Anyone who is anyone is familiar with the Big Ten. No matter what state they originate from, they are well aware of this acclaimed collegiate athletic conference. Every athlete in the Big Ten was recruited out of high school for absolutely excelling in the sport they played, and were selected to represent their university at the highest level. These athletes were all the top competitors in the country, and they all contribute to the high success rate of the Big Ten athletic programs -- which results in high intensity, extremely popular games among the Big Ten schools that die-hard fans live for.

2. Greek Life

Considering that these universities have such large student body populations, the Greek life is just bound to be huge. Every Big Ten school is known for the the extremely large Panhellenic presence on campus, and the "lively" atmosphere they provide for the student body. Greek life provides a smaller, tight-knit community on a campus among tens of thousands of students, where philanthropies are held often and there is always fun to be had. Anyone who attends a Big Ten school knows that Greek life is one of, if not the best part of the college experience.

3. Legacies

Big Ten schools just spit out success. The number of famous graduates these universities have produced is astonishing. Some one these well-known figures include Neil Armstrong and Drew Brees (Purdue), Michael Phelps (Michigan), Bob Dylan (Minnesota), Stephen Colbert (Northwestern), Warren Buffet (Nebraska), and Magic Johnson (Michigan State), plus tons more. Who wouldn't want to attend a university known for educating the first man to walk on the moon? (Yeah, Purdue is the best.)

4. Weather

Attending school in the Midwest and East Coast just calls for crazy weather. Living here you get to experience all four seasons, unlike coastal states who only really experience two. Big Ten students get to experience the few months of perfect sunny skies, the beautiful colors of leaves changing and rainy days in the fall, the winter wonderland at Christmas time, and the foliage gradually becoming green again in the spring. As unbearable as the weather can be at times, it is all part of the awesome experience that attending a Big Ten school brings.

5. Diversity

Big Ten schools attract students from all over the country, and all over the world. Attending a Big Ten university will guarantee that you meet other students from a different state or different country, and yet everyone you meet will still have the same amount of pride and love for the school. The Big Ten schools have some of the most diverse student populations because of the international prestige our conference garners. People from all over are dying to attend a Big Ten, and they are more than willing to travel the distance to do so.

6. Rivalries

Everybody loves a little friendly competition, and there are no rivalries greater than the ones in the Big Ten. Whether it's Purdue vs. Indiana, Wisconsin vs. Minnesota, or Ohio State vs. Michigan, the sports rivalries are traditions that run deep in Big Ten history. No matter how good each team, the rivalry games for every sport are always the biggest spectacles of the semester.

7. Health and Fitness

Attending a university in a conference that has so much emphasis on athletics inevitably encourages the active physical involvement of the non-athlete students. With state-of-the-art athletic facilities, all multi-level and containing multiple indoor pools, tracks, basketball courts, tennis courts, racquetball courts, yoga and sauna rooms, and tons of athletic classes to choose from, how could anyone turn down this incredible luxury that's just handed to us, ready for our excessive use at all times of the day?

8. Family Involvement

Many Big Ten students have the school spirit running in their blood, as they were raised from birth to be die-hard fans. Big Ten fans start young, and the pride for these schools last a lifetime as you will always see alumni at every game you attend, or simply coming back to visit campus. Big Ten schools have some of the most loyal fans in the country, and that is a well-known fact.

9. Tailgates

No matter what Big Ten school you attend, football season is the most insane time of the year. Saturday morning game day "preparation" begins as early as 5 a.m., and the celebrating does not end until the next morning -- if you make it there of course. If your team wins, every reason for you to keep celebrating, and if the team loses, hey, you're still in the Big Ten and are still an awesome team. Game day involves waking up before the sun rises, decking out in your school colors, and celebrating the love and pride you have for your school with all your friends.

10. Connections

Attending a Big Ten school will inevitably build you connections that will continue to work to your benefit even after you graduate. There is a special bond distinct to the Big Ten schools that forms this connection from one to another -- one that is formed through the mutual respect and admiration of the other schools.

11. Academics

Last but not least, Big Ten students are more intelligent and well rounded than your average college student, if I do say so myself. Not only do these schools offer all that I have stated above, they are also considered some of the most difficult schools to get accepted to in the country. Whether you're majoring in marketing, engineering, nursing, communication, or agriculture, you're going to be receiving an above-par education, one that will look incredible on your resume.

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