I am an older sister, and I absolutely love it. However, I know there are plenty of times I've wished I had one myself to talk to or get advice from. So, if you don't have an older sister and want some generic sisterly advice, look no further.
1. Drug store products work great, you don't have to splurge just find what works for you.
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2. Drink water!! I don't do it nearly enough but it could probably solve a lot of your problems,
3. Charge your phone at night.
4. Procrastinating is hard to avoid, but if you're going to wait to the last minute save enough last minutes to do it.
5. If you think you look cute one day, take pictures! Just for a moment even! You don't have to do anything with them, but just let yourself take some moments to enjoy.
Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash
6. I swear by Pinterest use it for anything and everything.
7. Fill out your planner every week!
8. Don't open text messages if you're not ready to respond or at least plan to respond. You'll definitely forget about them.
9. There are so so so many things more interesting about you than your weight. Also it depends on so many things, please don't fixate on it. Also BMI is stupid. Ignore it.
10. Something making you happy is a good enough reason to do it. You should be happy.
11. Establish a morning routine that makes you happy! Start your day right.
Photo by Sophi Raju on Unsplash
12. If you don't complete said routine, it's okay!! Not a failure it just wasn't what you needed today.
13. Be kind to yourself and to other people, they will remember it.
14. Wear! What! You want! I promise if you try an outfit thats out of your comfort zone, or you dress up more than other people you are only going to get compliments. No one cares what you're wearing! There's no such thing as trying too hard.
15. Moisturize every day, and get your face wet before you do.
16. The only way to get someone to like you back is to be yourself. Changing yourself is bad and also pointless, as it usually doesn't work.
17. Don't share mascara!
Photo by Ashley Piszek on Unsplash
18. Always have a little cash in your phone case just in case.
19. Big pants little top!
20. Playing games with people is a waste of time, and it won't make you happier in the long run. Honesty is such a refresher.
21. Always keep deodorant and extra feminine products in your bag.
22. Invest in a big pair of hoops and a little pair.
23. Tote bag instead of a backpack when its hot out! Walking across campus in 80+ weather will make you sweat, and it always made me anxious for my next class. Tote bag is a lifesaver.
Photo by Mediamodifier on Unsplash
24. Just take off your make up before bed. It's worth the walk to the bathroom.
25. Fight for the things you want in your life, but honestly the things that are really supposed to be in your life will not be hard to get to stick around.