To my big sister,
If someone were to ask me what our relationship was like when I was growing up, my answer would have varied depending on my age. I loved you, despised you, admired you, annoyed you, fought with you and, mostly, wanted to be you. Older siblings are a blessing, but there is nothing quite like having an older sister.
Thank you for being the guinea pig of the family over the years. You had to go through everything first and paved the way for me to follow easily behind. I didn't have to go through anything blindly because you had already been there and done that.
You set the standards for me, which is no simple task. You were the one that had to argue for the late curfew, ask our parents to join a sports team, learn how to apply makeup and beg for that flip phone that all of your friends had. Those things came easily to me because of you.
When you graduated from high school and then went away for college, I didn't know whether to feel happy or sad. On the one hand, I was amazed that you were making such big life decisions and becoming an adult so quickly. But I couldn't help but feel like I was losing a part of me in the process. I spent my entire life living across the hall from my best friend, and I didn't know how to live without you when you were gone. All I knew was that I was proud of you and hoped to be as successful and courageous as you when it was my turn.
Remember when you and I would fight endlessly a few years ago? And Mom would always say, "You're going to miss each other when you're apart at college!" I surely didn't believe her then, but, like always, she was certainly right.
I’m one of the lucky few that God gifted with a big sister. In reality, I got much more than just a sister; I got a built-in best friend, therapist and, someday, maid-of-honor. I am so grateful that I got to grow up with someone like you by my side. Even when we are 300 miles apart, you always have my back, and that is something you just can’t find in an average friendship.
I guess what I am trying to say is, I wouldn't be the woman that I am today if I didn’t have you to look up to when I was a little girl. I will always be indebted to you for all that you have done for me. I will never be able to repay you for all of those years that I pulled your hair and got you in trouble for no reason, but I will give it my best shot.
Love always,
Your baby sister