When you were a kid, the possibilities of what you could be when you grew up were endless.
You may have wanted to be a race car driver, a scientist, or any other job in the universe.
Personally, I wanted to be an actress/author/talk show host/chef.
At 10 years old, I thought I had it all figured out. My mom told me that I could do everything, and I took those words to heart.
Anyway, as you can probably guess, things changed.
This seems to be a common occurrence as you age.
I attended a vocational tech high school which meant that you had to pick a "focus." Looking back now, I'm really grateful that I went to that school. It definitely made the transition into college a little easier.
OK, so one of the things that I wanted to be was an actress. I had been going to acting classes before high school, and I thought I really like doing this. Thus, I ended up in the drama program there.
Once again, things changed.
Between the end of sophomore year and the beginning of junior year, I began to think about writing. Now, I had written novels before, but never something like a script. The whole idea of the world that you created being brought to life onstage fascinated me. Basically, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to be a screenwriter.
The next Shonda Rimes.
At this point of my life, the other things that I wanted to be when I was a kid were pushed to the side for a later date.
Except for acting.
I still liked to act. It just wasn't something that I believed that I was going to pursue as a career.
Then again, you never know right?
Of course not. A year later, things changed.
When senior year came around, I had decided that I didn't want to be a screenwriter anymore. I wanted to do something in film. I didn't know what exactly. I just knew that I wanted something along those lines. I had started filming YouTube videos, editing them, and I loved it.
Currently in college, I'm majoring in communications. I mainly want to explore the idea of working in a public relations type of field.
After writing all of this, part of me thinks that I'm an indecisive person, which I probably am. On the other hand, I don't think that changing your plans is a bad thing at all. Think of it like this:
As a kid you lay out all of your options, then over time, you begin to find a focus and leave the other options behind. If you want to go back and choose another option, that's fine! I'm pretty sure that all human beings have a million interests.
At the risk of being somewhat cliché, just remember this:
You've just got to do what makes you happy.