Every year a myriad of illnesses and conditions are diagnosed. This leaves the patient who, statistically may be uninsured wondering how they will cover the cost of their prescription. Unfortunately, that can be a very hard decision. What is even more for unfortunate is “Big Pharma” (term used for pharmaceutical companies working collectively as a sector of industry) capitalizing off of people who may be terminally ill. What's even more is pharmaceuticals are the fourth leading cause of death in America.
Here in America, we are the most medicated country, with 70 percent of adults taking medications. Yet we also have the worst health outcomes. In fact, America was ranked the worst for healthcare in the developed world, data shows that healthcare in America was the most expensive and gave the worst performance, again, only in the developed world. In 2013 alone, Americans spent $280 billion on prescriptions. Some of those prescriptions may cost thousands on their own and only one person will use it. Here in America, too many people assume that if it's verified safe by the FDA, it must be safe. However, it is totally common for doctors to over-prescribe medicine and as a result, their patients get addicted.
One example is pharmaceutical executive, Martin Shkreli, who is basically the personification of evil. He recently raised the price of a life saving drug from $13.50 to $750 overnight. Then did the same thing to a second drug. He definitely is not the first to do so and won't be the last “Big Pharma” executive to do this. Again, that was a life-saving drug that he raised the price of. He knows people need this drug and won't stop buying it just because it costs too much that drug is what makes them alive in the first place and he, along with many others, capitalize off that. He is even quoted saying, “A billion dollars here we come.”
At the same time, “Big Pharma” spends billions of dollars on marketing prescription drugs. Interestingly enough, America is one of two countries in the world that advertises prescription drugs. New Zealand being the other. Which it totally makes sense for many countries like those in Europe, to not advertise prescription drugs. It's the doctor's job to prescribe medications she or he feels is best. It's not the place of the consumer to request certain medications because they self diagnose themselves after they see an advertisement on TV.
"Big Pharma" uses manipulative antics to sway med journals, doctors, scientists med schools, along with many others to get their point across. Additionally, "Big Pharma" funds private charities and foundations. Luckily, this website lists over 300 doctors names and companies that have received money from "Big Pharma."
As you can see St. Jude, a children's hospital received almost $53 million dollars from "Big Pharma." Now "Big Pharma" claims this money is for researching. But data proved that wrong. Actually, for every dollar that goes to researching, $19 goes to advertising and promotions.
Of course, it doesn't help that much healthier options have been demonized. Like cannabis or marijuana. However, "Big Pharma" was not the first to demonize cannabis. President Nixon's adviser recently admitted that the "war on drugs" was meant to target liberals, hippies and black people. But don't thank just "Big Pharma" and President Nixon for making cannabis illegal. You can also thank the DEA and the U.S. prison industry. As long as the THC level in marijuana does not go over seven percent, there is no possible way to overdose on marijuana. Marijuana and cannabis weren't always illegal. The Hebrews called cannabis, "holy anointing oil." Here in America, particularly in the 1800's, it was a common medicine.
"Big Pharma" designs the health care system with many layers. At every layer, there are incentives to make and keep people sick, make them dependent on the drugs that keep them alive. When really those medicines just mask their symptoms and does not cure the disease. Even in 2016, there are oligarch governments. They buy, own and control their citizens. And "Big Pharma" is not much different.