Moving... I don't know about you but that word scares me. Before I explain, I want to start with a little bit about myself, my name is Emily Peck and I am a freshman at Utah State University, soon to be a major in communication studies. I have three beautiful sisters and a happy family that I love with all my heart. My passions consist of writing, traveling, and pretty much anything outdoors. I lived in the same house for 15 years before moving a whole state away.
I woke up on the morning of the day I was moving with the thought in the back of my mind... far back in my mind that I had to get the courage to say tearful goodbyes to people who I had seen everyday for 18 years and this was not something I was excited for. When we arrived at the airport (my mom, dad and little sister Sarah) I broke down in tears thinking, who was going to watch over my gorgeous sister? Who was going to make sure my mom would get a hug from me everyday? And who was going to reassure my dad that his taste in food is amazing and that I would eat anything he makes over anyone's food any day? From 740 miles away I couldn't and that broke my heart. My mom was the only one coming with me to help my settle into my dorm room and boy was I thankful I had her with me, she's my rock during the hard times.
I figured out shortly that there's really nothing more challenging than leaving behind a part of your heart, but when I made the move from AZ to UT I finally realized that this opportunity was one I will cherish for the rest of my life and is my way of becoming what I've only dreamt of. College is such a privilege and I hope many of us if not all of us look at it that way, I would never take for granted what I have been blessed with coming into a great college like this one.
Although this was an extremely painful move it taught me a lot about myself and what I am capable of. Lessons are learned through the hard times and I am grateful for the trials we have in life because without tough times we wouldn't know happiness.
What made my move easier was the warm welcome from the awesome people who go to this university, I'm so thankful for the way they made me come to terms with making new memories and having the time of our lives. I'm still young and there's so much for me out there, this was just my first huge step in my journey to find myself and grow on my own as an individual.
So, Logan here's to you for being my home away from home and making it a little easier to bear being away from my family and friends back in the hot state of AZ.