What does it mean to have a “big heart?” Well, “Having a big heart means wearing your emotions on your sleeve. It is something that you are born with and is a result of the experiences you have been through in life.”
Everyone seems to think that having a “big heart” is a great thing; I, however, feel that it is one of my most significant flaws. It is part of the cause of the pain I receive from people I care about, most that do not care for me; yet, I still persevere to stay by their side no matter what they throw at me. I cannot describe how many times I have cried and still cry over people that are not worth it because of so called, “big heart.”
A few years ago I began to get very depressed because I was ashamed of the way I am and the way that I felt for people. It added to my anxiety and made me feel like I could no longer let myself get close to people. My "big heart" ruined my trust with almost everything and everyone and it sucked. My "Big Heart" Destroys Me And I Let It.
I hate having a big heart and here are the reasons why:
- You get your heart broken a lot easier.
- You always see the good in people no matter how many times they may have hurt you.
- You go so far out of your way to help other people, sometimes way too far.
- You are often taken advantage of by others, especially those close to you.
- You don’t always tell the truth in the name of protecting someone’s feelings, but then you almost always become trapped in a web of lies and you end up hurting that person more than the truth just would have.
- You fall in love the way you should: passionately and blindly. You find out soon that that isn’t how the world works.
- You are positive no matter the situation which typically means that you are all on your own because the world is filled with some pretty negative people.
- You cannot hold a grudge no matter what even if you should.
- When you miss someone, you miss them a lot.
- When you get in the “Late Night Feels” you really get in them.
- You care for everyone no matter their past, even though you shouldn't.
- You love unconditionally, even when you are hated.
- you put everyone before yourself, even if they wouldn't do the same for you.
- When someone hurts you, it truly hurts. It is almost magnified.
- You trust that everyone’s heart is just as big as yours, and you refuse to believe that it could be any different even though you know it is.
Although there are many reasons as to why I feel that having a big heart affects my life in a negative way, I have recently learned that it means something to have a big heart. It is special. It is what makes me unique and makes me well me even though it makes my life hard at times. It makes me strong. For those of you who also have a "big heart" don't let it destroy you. Take control of it and find the positives and embrace it.