For those of you who know me, you know that my family is the most important to me. However, what you might not know is that every move I make, every choice I get to make, is always slightly influenced by my family. Let me break it down for you.
My lolos and lolas
My grandparents and their siblings. The patriarchs and matriarchs of the family. Every time I see them I always make sure to say “hello" and “mano po" which taught me to show an immense amount of respect for others. Their great stories from when they were young, no matter how many times they have told me the story, remind me to stay grounded and to appreciate the days of my youth.
My titos
My parents’ brothers and their cousins. These men of the family are men of few words. Most of the time at parties they are all sitting together with a beer, talking about the latest Pacquiao fight or the latest basketball trade. However, when I do get the chance to sit and talk with my titos, my mind is blown with the amount of wisdom they have. Plus, if you get enough drinks in them with a karaoke machine, they are the funniest men I know. They have taught me that a laugh is the greatest cure.
My titas
My parents’ sisters and their cousins. These women, whoa, let me tell you, these women are probably the craziest and strongest (and loudest) people I know. They are always together, gossiping and figuring out what is new and "cool with the kids." My titas are also pretty cool; sorry, Ma, but sometimes my titas just get me, ya know? They have taught me not to care what other people think as long as I am happy.
And last but certainly not least, my cousins
There is no such thing as "first cousin" "second cousin" etc. A cousin is a cousin. They were my very first best friends. The age range for cousins is pretty large. Some of them have families of their own and have watched me grow up, where as I am beginning to watch some of them grow up. Regardless of age, we always know how to have a good time with each other, from locking each other in the bathroom to simply going out for dinner and a movie together, we can never get sick of each other no matter how much we try. We make fun of each other like no tomorrow which has taught me to not take everything seriously and to stand my own ground.
To my dear family, wherever you are in the world, thank you.
For always reminding me to keep the faith
When times were tough, we stood together, held hands and prayed. You always remind me God always has a plan, for each and every person.
For reminding me to be kind and smile
When I am not paying attention, it is easy forget to smile. But you always tell me to keep a smile on my face, because it is the kindest thing a person can do for a stranger.
For supporting me always
Every award, every graduation, every birthday celebration, there has never failed to be a greeting or presence. Every ounce of support has helped me on this journey that I call life.
And for loving me unconditionally
There are hundreds of us, every where in the world, yet you love each and every member with the same amount of love.
So my Big Filipino Family, my BFF, maraming salamat sa inyong lahat, at mahal kita. Thank you all and I love you.