"Wait, how do you know them?" is a question I get asked a lot, and the answer is usually that they're a member of my extended family in some capacity. This phenomenon has always been particularly difficult to explain to my friends with small families, some of whom do not have a single cousin. These are some of the quintessential signs and struggles that come from having a big family:
1. Teachers always ask if you're related to someone they had in class a few years prior.
"Oh, you're Tim's little sister!" Yes. That is me.
2. You've gone days without seeing one of your siblings, even though you live in the same house.
"I don't think I've seen Adam in, like, 3 days"--a direct quote from my sister this past weekend.
3. Your driveway quickly becomes a parking lot.
More family members means more activities, which usually translates to needing more vehicles to get there.
4. Your family usually arrives at events late.
Try getting six people out the door on time and in one vehicle. Just try it.
5. The only time your entire extended family gets together each year is at Christmas, and maybe for a wedding.
Even still, these events have to be hosted somewhere other than someone's house, because there is zero way everyone will fit.
6. You take family games very seriously, especially when pride is the only thing on the line.
An accurate representation of winning at any game when, "Well, you don't play to lose," is the Wiencek family motto.
7. Multiple generations of cousins mean several people hit the same milestone at the same time.
When I was in high school, all of my older cousins were getting married. Now, I feel like I meet a new baby every time I see them.
8. You can't go run an errand in your hometown without seeing someone you're related to.
Hey, Aunt Becky!
9. If your cousins went to the same high school as you, there's a good chance you had classes with at least one of them.
Nothing like walking into class and seeing someone you're related to.
10. Choosing to introduce your significant other to your extended family is a huge, overwhelming step for them.
They get bonus points for every family member they can correctly identify later on in the evening.
11. It feels like every other day is someone's birthday.
Realistically, it probably is.
12. Even though it can be a bit hectic at times, you wouldn't trade your big family for the world.
An actual Wiencek family photo from my cousin Lindsay's wedding