To those with big families;
Having a big family is truly a blessing. You find it strange that people are so amazed that you have 13 cousins. Having a hug family is so normal to you. Every holiday or family barbecue feels like a huge family reunion, except it's people that you get to see all of the time.
All big families are pretty loud, but that's what makes them so great. Whether it's because everyone is playing some kind of trivial game together, or because a sports game is on the TV, there is always cheering and happy yelling going on. There is never a family gathering where you're not having fun.
Holidays are always the best time of year because you get to see your entire family! (Not to mention the presents.) Everyone gets dressed up and eats at a huge dinner table, and of course, there is the infamous "kid's table." We've all had to go through the kid's table at one point in our lives and we survived.
During Christmas time all of the cousins would play Christmas games and during Easter, we'd have a big Easter egg hunt. But the best gift of the holidays, honestly, is getting to see my family! Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and the Fourth of July are the best days of the year!
Another pro of having a big family were the big sleepovers! I remember when I was little having sleepovers with all of my cousins—which is a lot of people! We'd bother each other and fight all night, but we always had a blast. We'd make up scary stories and funny stories. It was always girls against boys. Although we'd argue, at the end of the sleepover, I'd be counting down the days until the next one.
My family is amazing. I love feeling like I'm at a big party every time I see them. Big families are so much fun and I feel so grateful for mine.