In case you don't already know, I have a great relationship with my extended family which is a pretty decent size. When I say family I mean aunts, uncles cousins, family friends that are basically family, etc. It's one giant network of people that all love and support each other in the best of ways. When I am away at school I don't get to see them often. So I wanted to write this article for them.
1. A huge support system.
Whenever someone in my family is going through something, there is a network of people waiting in the wings to offer love and support however they can.
2. Nothing but good times.
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Getting together with my whole family is my favorite thing to do. We have a great time every single time.
3. Food, all of the food.
Every time we get together there's enough food to feed three families and it's the best.
4. There is always someone to hang out with.
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My cousins, my younger sister, and I used to go on trips to the mall or hang out at our grandma's house almost every weekend so I was never lacking in company.
5. It teaches you that different people can get along and love each other.
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My family is a mix of vastly different people but we all manage to get along... most of the time.
6. We learn from each other.
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We teach each other things. Not just educationally, but life stuff. It's easier to learn from people you love and trust.
7. There is always someone to watch your kid/dog/etc. when you need it.
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Have a baby you need watched for a few hours? A dog that needs to be fed while you're gone? Need someone to go check on grandma? You got it. You've got an entire list of people to call.
8. A lifetime of great memories.
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Sometimes we all get together and just enjoy spending time together. We reminisce about everything we can think of and talk about the huge history we all have together.