My extended family is quite large compared to my immediate family of three. With so many people around, things can get pretty interesting (crazy) when we're all together. Most family members barely see each other during the course of a year, but that is not the case for us. We see each other quite often for holidays, birthdays, and even a week-long family vacation. Here are 10 things you know to be true if you are apart of a big extended family.
1. You always get together during the holidays.
It wouldn't be Christmas without them!
2. Your family events always start a little late.
It's really hard to get that many people organized in a timely manner!
3. You have one cousin that has been your partner-in-crime since your birth.
You may disagree on things like which hockey team is better, but they understand what your family is like and are always there for you no matter what!
4. There are so many awkward pictures of you.
If your family is good for anything, (other than unconditional love and support) it's all of the awkward, middle school photos they have of you.
5. You learn a lot from them.
Your entire family teaches you valuable life lessons, but once again, your guiding cousin is there to your rescue when your feeling lost, confused, or don't know which shade of lip paint to buy at Sephora.
6. It's impossible to take a good picture.
There is no way to get everyone to look at the camera, smile, and act like they love each other at the same time.
7. You get called the names of all of your other family members.
They don't mean it in a rude way, but there's just too many names to pick from!
8.Your friends want to observe your family gatherings because they are so perplexed as to how you all function.
Normal is just a setting on your washing machine.
9. You're afraid to introduce your family to anyone because you know how overwhelming they can be.
You know that they are a motley crew and can be very daunting at first.
10. They're always there for you.
They'll be there for you no matter what! You know you have a huge support system always behind you.