Instagram has made a lot of changes recently. The layout changed, then the logo changed, then they added stories, and now you can actually zoom in on your friend's pictures! What's the next big change...?
Followers are a big deal to a lot of people. Some compete with others and constantly check their follower count. I've actually seen people scroll through a feed just to see how many followers people have. Isn't that exhausting?
I've even heard people say, "how did she get so many followers?" as if it really matters! The big and crazy one: people actually spend their money just to get a higher follower count.
But, Instagram is rolling out new changes every week. What will be next?
If you're worried that the "big dogs" at Instagram will hide your follower count, this article is for you. Don't worry too much; your precious number is safe. Instagram will never change that. They know their users fight for more followers. They know people feel like they're in competition with each other to get a higher following. Instagram is feeding off of you. That is why the follower count is front and center of every profile.
I'm here to tell you that followers mean nothing.
We need to stop comparing ourselves to other people. We need to stop putting value on a person based on their following on social media. That's terribly sad.
Let's stop letting a number on social media control our lives.