Big Brother is a famous reality competition show that has been airing on CBS since 2000. In the show, twelve house guest compete each week to stay in the house. The last two standing house guest are then voted by a jury — the jury is made up of the last seven evicted house guests — and whoever receives the most votes wins Big Brother, and $500,000. America's favorite house guest is voted on by America and whoever wins this receives $25,000. America's favorite house guest is a big deal this year, as there was an amazing cast of sixteen people: newbies vs. vets. A few people who truly stood out as strong contenders for America's favorite house guest were Natalie Negrotti, Da'vonne Rogers, and Victor Arroyo.
Natalie Negrotti deserves to win America's favorite house guest because she stuck to her own values and was kind, even when others were not to her. When she won HOH — head of household, for those who don't know, she never put up a fellow woman for eviction and when she was not HOH, she still never nominated a girl unless it was deemed her only choice. Winning the money would also greatly help her because she would use it for good, and give some to her mother. Because she grew up extremely poor, she always gave her money to her mother, so I think it would be a necessary guess that she would do something spectacular to help her mother.
Victor Arroyo has shown nothing but perseverance in the game. He was able to not only win vetoes and HOH, but he was also loyal to his best friend, Paul, the whole entire time. Victor deserves to be considered as Americas Favorite House Guest because he was evicted twice, and won himself back into the game twice. If that's not perseverance, I don't know what is!
With choices like these, it's hard for me to even decide who's my favorite! Voting will be closed on Monday September 19th at 1 PM. Tune in to see who wins Big Brother and Americas Favorite's House Guest on September 21st at 9:30 PM, et/c!