Being 10 years apart, we have always been in different stages in life, but nevertheless we have always stayed close. I know that I can come to you with anything and I hope you know that I am always here for you as well. Although we don't really see each other much because you have your own family now and I'm away at school, you will always be my big brother, one of my best friends and, of course, my role model. So this is for you on your 30th birthday! (Don't get mad that I put the age)
Big Brother,
Thank you for all that you've done and continue to do for me. I remember how excited I would be when you'd be home from college and would pick me up from school. I remember telling all of my friends about your awesome green Impala with your cool stereo. Thank you for giving me a piggy back ride all the way up Jefferson Road when you accidentally locked us out of the house. Thank you for all of the amazing meals you've made, especially the giant pancakes you made for me that would barely fit on my plate. Thank you for coming to my games when you could and always supporting me in everything I do. Thank you for letting me crash at your house, whether it's because of my long drive to Cincinnati or just to spend time with you. I would always love coming to your house for the weekend and just hanging out with you and Jess in the summer.
Furthermore, thank you for being there for me. I know I can talk to you about anything and you always give the best advice (especially about anything food-related). You don't know how much I appreciated your support when I was thinking about changing my major.
Also, I love all of your random phone calls (even though sometimes I have to ignore them because I'm busy). It's always nice catching up and just talking about life. I wish that I wasn't so far so I could spend more time with you and your family, especially my adorable nephew. But I guess we're both adults now (that's scary) and we have to do adult things, like have jobs and go to school.
Lastly, I just want you to know how happy I am for you. You're an amazing brother, husband and father, but also just an overall amazing person. You touch the lives of everyone you meet and I don't even think you know it. You're smart, funny, intelligent and just a lot of fun to be around. I feel so lucky to call you my brother and I will cherish the memories we have and look forward to the ones we will create.
Your Little Sister