With summer upon us, there's no better activity than ignoring all of the sunshine outside and staying inside to enjoy the newest season of Big Brother that is slowly approaching. As a long time fan of Big Brother, there's nothing more exciting than actually being engaged in the show from the very beginning of the season, and that starts with the cast reveal, which officially happened on the 12th of June, 10 days before the premiere is set to air on the 22nd.
As with any cast, there's bound to be those immediately adored by the public and then those who will probably wish they had never been cast when they get evicted and go home to see all of the slander on their twitter accounts.
This might just be the case for several contestants this season as they begin to enter the house, with Michelle Meyer, Glenn Garcia, and Corey Brooks being the guilty few among the crew this summer.
While the whole cast came across as generally likable in their interviews (bar Corey, who many said seemed like a stale piece of bread), it wasn't all smiles as dirt from these contestants was quickly revealed. And by dirt, I mean inconsiderate and offensive stuff that they thought was A-OK to post at the time.
Thanks to the fans of Big Brother, who relentlessly scrambled around on everyone's social media account, we were able to find some very interesting opinions shared by Michelle, Glenn, and Corey.
We'll start with Michelle, who made it very clear in her interview that she was a nutritionist. She is very passionate about proper eating and staying healthy, which she believes applies to anyone and anything. As evidenced by her Reddit, her ideals about people who are overweight are very clear and it is made apparent that being overweight is the worst thing that could ever happen to someone. If it does happen however, she'll make sure to tell you it was your fault and that you deserved it.
It's a good thing then that we have Glenn in the house, a 50-year old overweight man to make Michelle's summer a great time. However, he's come under fire too, as a series of tweets that he made were found and his opinions are very clear, to say the least.
It will definitely be interesting to see how his strong ideals conflict with not only the fans of the show, but also the houseguests, who seem pretty liberal in comparison to him.
Corey, however, is the icing on this drama-filled cake as tweets of his surfaced as well, with some...rather strong words used.
After the reaction to Big Brother 15, where racism and homophobia ran rampant, almost every Big Brother fan is quick to call out those who deem it acceptable to use offensive and homophobic language such as this. Hopefully, Corey's stay in the house will be rather short, or he'll have to deal with the LGBT houseguests more than he'd probably like.
Big Brother premiers on June 22nd and with a cast as opinionated as this, it certainly isn't going to be a boring summer this year. Get your Twitter accounts active and your thumbs ready for this year's season of Big Brother!