4. Angela, Previous Ranking: 2 | The Odyssey Online
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Well, I Was Dead Wrong About 'Big Brother 20'

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Well, I Was Dead Wrong About 'Big Brother 20'

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At the beginning of the summer, I made my predictions about who would reign supreme on "Big Brother 20." I didn't know it at the time, but this season would go back to basics and stay true to the original concept of "Big Brother" and become one of the absolute best seasons I've seen in years. Because I didn't know that, my predictions about the way the season would pan out were way off. Let's take a look at the final rankings of the houseguests based on their order of eviction:

16. Steve, Previous Ranking: 10

BB20 Steve

I thought Steve had a shot because of his background as a police officer. Perhaps I was just associating him too closely with Derrick Levasseur from "Big Brother 16." Unfortunately, Steve's inability to connect with other houseguests because of his older age (40) led to his quick demise this season.

15. Swaggy C, Previous Ranking: 6

BB20 Swaggy

Oh Swaggy, if only you had kept your mouth shut, you may have been able to make it to at least jury. His attitude overpowered his ability to play the game, sadly.

14. Winston, Previous Ranking: 1

BB20 Winston

This one breaks my heart. Winston was very well-equipped to go very far in this game, but as many houseguests do, he let his emotions get the best of him during his time on the block.

13. Kaitlyn, Previous Ranking: 16

BB20 Kaitlyn

To be honest, I'm shocked that Kaitlyn actually made it this far. Her wacky personality seemed like it would turn people off to her, but in an unpredictable twist in events, it was actually her flirting and extreme jealousy that led to her ultimate downfall. If only she had stayed loyal to her man back home...

12. Rachel, Previous Ranking: 3

BB20 Rachel

This is a blindside if I've ever seen it. I really thought she would manage to beat out Brett at the eviction, considering she treated her houseguests a whole lot better than Brett did and she wasn't a real threat to the integrity of Level 6. I'm still sad she left so soon.

11. Bayleigh, Previous Ranking: 11

BB20 Bayleigh

Woohoo, I totally called this one! Bayleigh was a good player, but she got too roped up in the drama of the house to be able to stick around much longer. At least she made it to jury!

10. Rockstar, Previous Ranking: 15

BB20 Rockstar

My original description of Rockstar, "She's a mother who calls herself "Rockstar." She's so out there, I don't know if she'll be able to play the game well," was right on point. She managed to ride the game out until jury though because she joined an alliance and laid low until she didn't have a choice.

9. Faysal, Previous Ranking: 8

BB20 Faysal

Just like Rockstar, Fessy found an alliance and stuck with them until his end. Sadly for him though, he turned into just another Level 6 target.

8. Scottie, Previous Ranking: 14

BB20 Scottie

Well, I guess everyone did think Scottie was adorable... at least until they found out he really knew how to play the game anyway. After winning Jury Battle Back, Scottie earned more time in the "Big Brother" House, which improved his overall ranking, even though he didn't last long on his second try.

7. Haleigh, Previous Ranking: 13

BB20 Haleigh

I'm laughing at myself for thinking Haleigh was going to be one of the biggest floaters in the game this season. I'm thrilled she turned out to be one of the best players I've seen in awhile. In my opinion, she's only second to Tyler, and if she and Tyler had worked together, they could've dominated the whole season.

6. Brett, Previous Ranking: 7

BB20 Brett

Good ol' cocky Brett. For his sake as a human being, I sure hope his attitude was a joke this season. However, I do feel bad about him being backdoored because that was a backdoor even viewers didn't necessarily see coming.

5. Sam, Previous Ranking: 4

BB20 Sam

Sweet Sam started to go a little crazy in the House, as many players do. According to internet rumors, she was randomly selected to be on the show and did not apply herself, so that may explain some of why she played the game the way she did near the end.

4. Angela, Previous Ranking: 2

BB20 Anglea

In the words of Rachel, what's wrong with Angela?! She seemed like a genuinely kind human being going into the game, but she turned out to be pretty mean in the end. I do appreciate the game moves she made and cannot wait to watch her relationship with Tyler grow outside of the house.

3. JC, Previous Ranking: 12


If JC isn't the definition of a floater, I don't know who is. He jumped back and forth between the two main alliances in the house which led him to believe he was the ultimate puppet master of the game. In reality, he only won one competition and was never actually in control of anything except his rude, sexist, and racist comments.

2. Tyler, Previous Ranking: 9

BB20 Tyler

I definitely fell for the "dumb surfer boy" persona he was going for at the beginning of the game. However, this just makes me appreciate his game play even more than I already did. Tyler is by far one of the greatest players to ever play "Big Brother," and I will forever be in awe of his gameplay.

1. Kaycee, Previous Ranking: 4

BB20 Kaycee

Kaycee is the "Big Brother" champion I never saw coming. I love when caring and honest people come out on top because that's not always what happens in our society. From a superfan perspective, Tyler played the game better, but from a human perspective, I know being nice gets you a long way in life. Let's go!

Honestly though, I'm pretty glad I was wrong. BB superfans needed to see someone like Tyler actually play the game the way it should be played, and America as a whole needed to be reminded that ethnicity and sexuality don't determine a person's worth and Kaycee's big win did that.

Now, let the countdown begin to "Celebrity Big Brother 2" and "Big Brother 21!"

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