What a controversial night last night. It was a great Finale, but a lot of fans are disappointed in the result of what transpired when Nicole Franzel was able to pull of the win and become the newest "Big Brother" Winner when she beat everyone's favorite, Paul.
Paul did all the right things in this episode. He won the first part of the HoH competition and then he beat Nicole in the Final Part. Everyone expected him to pick James, but he shocked the world when he decided to evict James over Nicole because James was not being loyal to him in the end and was not being honest with him about everything Nicole had said in the week leading up to the Finale.
This might have just been Paul making a rookie mistake against a returnee or he just could've lost sight of the bigger picture. Paul blows out James in a Final Vote 100 percent of the time. Nicole would have taken James in a heart beat if she had the chance. James played maybe the weakest game of the season and would have been the ultimate jury GOAT.
The jury was then able to ask the Final 2 questions and Paul did not do so good at this while Nicole blew it out of the water. The questions were a little more specific for Nicole so she was able to answer some answers more specifically where Paul's were very broad. When asked what her biggest game move was, she told about how she basically got Natalie to trust her and Corey when she was HoH and then, in turn, got Michelle to put up Paul and Natalie to put up Victor. Then Paul,in his closing statement, delivered a very good speech. He told the jury about how he was the biggest personality in the house and was always a target. He was on the Block six times! He never went to bed and was always involved with whatever was going on in the house. He saved himself with the Veto when he had to along with seven competition wins.
After this, Paul looked to have it in the bag. That was one of the best speeches in recent history when describing a person's game. The one thing he should have done is try to make amends with some people to see if he could get them on his side of the vote. Nicole also did what she had to do in playing up that pivotal moment in the game. This is when Nicole really started playing hard and very well throughout the end of the game. Paul, however, played the whole time while Nicole was in bed A LOT. It is a really tough call. However, I think its still very fair to say that Nicole was deserving of this win because of her impressive End Game.
The Jury Votes went like this:
5 - 4 for Nicole.
Paulie, Zakiyah, Natalie, Corey, and Da'Vonne all voted for Nicole.
Victor, Bridgette, James and Michelle all voted for Paul.
Call it a bitter jury or call it whatever you want, this could be some fan fiction, but this jury had some pre-conceived motives. Mainly, this is with Paulie. To start off, Paulie and Nicole had to have had a pre-game alliance because of Nicole playing with Cody in the past. They are also probably friends on the outside so that was always going to happen. Zakiyah was also always going to vote however Paulie wanted her to so that didn't help Paul out either. Da'Vonne is a more interesting case. All throughout the finale she had been cheering Paul on and then she doesn't vote for him? This makes no sense. It is possible Nicole could've swayed her at the end, but still it seems pretty hard to believe. Day could've just done what Natalie did and voted for a woman to beat a man for the first time in the Final 2. A lot of people were shocked by Natalie's vote, but let's not forget who said "Girl Power" at the beginning of the season. On the opposite side, Bridgette voting for Paul was very surprising. She had claimed all season she was a Feminist and then she doesn't vote for Nicole. That was the most surprising vote of the night.
Paul is a great "Big Brother" player. His social game is off the charts and he is a very smooth talker. He makes people laugh and that's why so many people like him. He learned the game as the season went on and talked his way out of some very tricky situations, especially when he was on the block. He was constantly involved with whatever was going on in the house and had a lot of input to what was going down. The days of PP and distancing himself from that were some of his best in the house. He controlled a lot of Victor's HoH wins and kept Victor safe for weeks on end after Victor came back in twice. Paul just might've made one mistake and that was taking Nicole to the end instead of James. Paul might not have won, but his look and his persona is what Big Brother loves. Plus he played a good game. There is no doubt Paul will be back in the "Big Brother" house one of these days.
To everyone that says Nicole shouldn't have won needs to just calm down. Nicole did play a very good game. You can make your case for Paul, but ultimately Nicole pulled out the win. She aligned herself with the right people and really laid low for the first part of the season.
It is pretty rare when someone is involved the whole game and then makes it to the end. Look at what happened with Paulie this season. Nicole, however, had her Ride or Die in Corey and laid low the first part of the game. She wasn't on the block until Final 4. When she convinced, Natalie and Michelle to put up Paul and Victor, this was the defining moment of her game. From that point on she was in control, she made alliances with whoever was in power at the time and played the middle very well. She knew when to win comps and when to throw comps. She recognized that taking both Victor and Paul to Final 4 was a terrible idea and did something about it. She also did make a good point of how she had to change her game because everyone had already seen her play before.
Yes, she capitalized on a rookie mistake from Paul, but still she got the votes. Her game is very much like Natalie Anderson's from Survivor: San Juan del Sur. Natalie really kicked it up a notch in the last ten or twelve days and laid low after her sister was the first boot. Nicole laid low after she won that first HoH and really turned it on at Final 6. Whether you like it or not, Nicole is the winner of "Big Brother 18" and she "literally" deserves it.