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Big Brother 18

What I like and don't like about the summer so far.

Big Brother 18
Big Brother Access

It's that time of year again... summer! More importantly, a new season of "Big Brother" is on CBS! There have only been two episodes of Season 18 on, but this season is already the craziest I have seen in a while. As an avid fan of the show, there are many things that I love and a couple things (mostly people) that really grind my gears. This article is based on the things I love and hate from this season of "Big Brother"... so far.

First off, I want to start with the things that I don't particularly care for so far during this season.

1. Jozea... and Paul

There is always that one house guest that I cannot stand whatsoever. This season there happens to be two. Jozea and Paul came across to me as the contenders for the most arrogant house guests so far in this season and past seasons that I have followed closely. In the couple of days they have been in the house, they haven't been able to really prove that they are fierce contenders. Jozea calls himself the "Messiah" of the newbies... all because he said they should all stick together. He also says that he is good at a lot of things but almost had to play in the eviction competition... alongside Paul. I am very protective of Mama Day and Paul, and Mama D just don't seem to get along and he appeared to be very demanding during the competitions. Calm down Paul, you just started playing this game. Team "Big Sister" has a couple of "Big Jerks." Hopefully they leave the house soon so I can enjoy the season without them.

2. Teams...

I really don't like the idea of teams for "Big Brother." If I were to play the game, then I would want my fate in the game to rest solely in my hands. I couldn't imagine having to trust your potential $500,000 in the hands of a couple of complete strangers. You don't know the ability of the other players and you never know if their social game might have an effect on your social game. Overall, teams suck... a lot. Hopefully the team aspect of this season ends real soon.

3. The First Eviction

This season, the first eviction was a load of crap. Having the first eviction based on competition is stacking the odds against the house guest(s) that are not as good at the competitions as others. The team aspect plays a part in the first eviction because if there weren't some super strong guys/girls on the other teams, Glenn would not be going home because he just happened to be the weakest on the team. I don't feel he was the weakest in the house, which is what the first eviction suggested. The biggest thing is that Tiffany almost went home, and with an all-star sister like Vanessa, you can't go home first.

Now it's time for the things I like about the season so far.

1. The Returning House Guests

I love the fact that they brought back house guests to compete on the show. The four brought back (Nicole, James, Mama Day and Frank) are four of my favorite players to have played in the last few seasons. I was jumping for joy when I found out Nicole was back in the house because she is quite possibly one of or is my favorite house guest so far. I am so happy that she is the first head of household, even though I was hoping she wouldn't put Paulie up. They all played great games and I was happy to see that they get a second chance. I also love the fact that there is not one but two siblings of former house guests playing this summer. Paulie and Tiffany are related to Cody Calafiore and Vanessa. They both look like an identical copy of their sibling and I am living for it. I really hope they fully align with the vets and turn this game around.

2. New Season!

The thing that I am most happy about is that the summer just started and there is already so much going on in the house. I am already freaking out from anxiety that my house guests might get evicted and only two episodes have aired. I am already absorbed in the game and honestly all I can think about is what is going to happen next, and I love the fact that what I think will happen could be completely wrong. All in all, I am super excited to see what this summer has in store in the "Big Brother" house.

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