Have you ever stopped and thought about every little decision you make? If not, you should. Every decision you make in your life matters. It might not matter now, but it could matter later.
People say, "Bad decisions make good stories." Well, honestly, is that really the case? What if someone offers you meth, or not just meth, but any kind of drug and you say alright, I'm just going to do it this one time. I'll be fine and then you end up getting addicted. You can't stop, you always want more. Eventually, you do it so much you screw your entire life up and you can't do anything but tweak now, but "bad decisions make good stories right?"
It's not just the big decisions that affect you but it's the little ones, too. The little ones, like studying for your final exam to see if you can become what you have wanted to be for your whole life, if you don't do those few hours of studying your whole life could change and the plans you had for your future are no longer there. or a decision like getting out of bed, you could get out of bed and do something productive that might actually help someone or you could stay in bed and miss an opportunity to do something good pass you by.
The things you do now can affect your future. You might think selling a couple grams here and there isn't a big deal right now, but it just turns into something bigger and you usually get caught and it doesn't end up well. You might think maxing out your credit card isn't a big deal right now, but wait until you do that on 6+ cards and you're in debt and ruin your credit and you're not able to buy a house later on. It's the little things now that you think won't matter later, but they will.
Every day we have to make decisions. We just need to make sure we evaluate the decisions we make and think ahead if the decision we make today will affect our future.