Bieber Fever (v): The act of falling in love with pop singer Justin Bieber. This condition affects mostly girls, but can also affect a few guys. A cure has not been found.
Okay, it is 2015. Things are changing in this world. And, Justin Bieber has grown up. My, has he grown up... I mean, just look at those abs:
But think back six whole years ago to when Justin first came into the spotlight. Well, seven years for me, because I loved him back in his YouTube days. This is when all the craziness began. This "Bieber fever." And sadly, I am 19 years old, and I still have not gotten over "Bieber fever."
Too bad there still isn't a cure.
So, here I present: Bieber fever- A timeline:
Oh the beginning of Justin Bieber as we know it. In 2008, Bieber wasn't well known yet because he was just making YouTube videos from his home in Canada. Little did we know what he was going to do in 2009.
In July 2009, we all got to hear Justin's beautiful voice when he released his first single "One Time" and shortly after he released his first album My World. After My World was released, fans went absolutely NUTS, at least I went absolutely NUTS. This year was the start of "Bieber fever".
In 2010, it was all about his hair. I mean come on, it was perfect in the eyes of any 14 year old girl. But then something amazing happened as we saw the Biebs flip his hair for the first time. This became known as the "Justin Bieber hair flip." Being in love with his locks was yet another symptom of "Bieber fever".
Oh, what's that? Did he get a hair cut? Sadly, Bieber cut off his locks so that maybe people would start focusing on his extremely good music. In 2011, he released My World 2.0 and "Never Say Never" ft. Jaden Smith. I don't know about you, but The Karate Kid was my s**t, and the fact that a JBieb song was in it made me flip. (In a good way)
This was the year that Justin released his 3rd album titled Believe. Personally, this was not a favorite album of mine. The ONLY song I will jam out to on this album is Beauty and A Beat ft. Nicki Minaj. Sadly, this is when my "Bieber fever" slowly started fading into the background, and I think most people would agree. Justin was falling off the map.
2013 was sort of a lull year for Bieber. He released another album, Journals, but I honestly don't remember hearing about it. After this album, the Biebs took a break for the next couple of years to relax, casually get arrested, and write some good a** music.
Jump foward two years to 2015 and take a look at his beautiful self. After getting arrested, relaxing and writing more music, Bieber blessed us all with Where Are Ü Now. I can honestly say I was a skeptic at first on how good his new music would be. But later in 2015, the Biebs blessed us again with What Do You Mean?. After this track came out, I was sold. Justin had really turned his life around, and my "Bieber fever" came back. Don't get me started on Purpose, because it is the best album he has released by far.
And that, my friends, is "Bieber fever"- A timeline.
I'll just leave this here at the bottom...