Biden And Harris's Abortion Stance Could Cost Them The Election | The Odyssey Online
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Biden And Harris's Abortion Stance Alienates Half The Country And It Might Cost Them The Election

Surely Biden and Harris realize the millions of Americans their stance on life will alienate? I'm not so sure they do.

Biden And Harris's Abortion Stance Alienates Half The Country And It Might Cost Them The Election
Photo by Maria Oswalt on Unsplash

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' records on abortion are, to put it simply, disgusting.

Biden has been steadily moving further and further to the left on all issues, perhaps in a desperate and futile attempt to court the enraged "Bernie bros." Biden has voiced his support for repealing the Hyde Amendment, which he previously supported during his 50 years as a career politician. The Hyde Amendment prevents taxpayer dollars from directly funding abortion services. This doesn't prevent taxpayer money from funding the abortion connoisseur that is Planned Parenthood, of course. Nonetheless, it provides protection for Pro-Life taxpayer's morals, albeit a measly one.

Harris' record is even worse. Not only does she support repealing the Hyde Amendment, she voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Act. This act, proposed by Republicans in 2019, would "prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion." All but three Democrats voted against it. It failed in the Senate.

SEE ALSO:The Facts On The Born-Alive Debate

I'm not entirely sure what the Biden-Harris agenda is here.

In a Gallup poll, 51 percent of female respondents and forty-six percent of males identify as pro-life. Many of them are Democrats or independents, votes Biden desperately needs for the presidency. Biden claims to be a Catholic. Catholic teachings vehemently denounce the practice of abortion. Donald Trump appeals to religious voters by citing his pro-life stance. Pro-life activists have called President Trump the most pro-life president ever.

Surely Biden and Harris realize the millions of Americans their stance on life will alienate?

I'm not so sure they do.

They are listening to the loudest instead of looking at the facts. A majority of women, albeit a slight majority, are pro-life. Instead of acknowledging that, the DNC looks to the women marching in the streets, shouting about their bodily autonomy, declaring opinions devoid of a uterus invalid. They look to Antifa and BLM looting and rioting, demanding that we "abolish the police." But according to Pew Research Center, 73 percent of respondents in a poll said police funding should remain the same or even be increased.

These facts don't matter to them. They want to appease the loud ones. They want to pander to the socialists and Marxists, even if it means letting half the country burn.

And it might just cost them.

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