Joe Biden For President | The Odyssey Online
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There’s Speculation Joe Biden May Run For Presidency in 2020, And I’m Definitely Here For It

Joe Biden, for a politician, is incredibly authentic.

There’s Speculation Joe Biden May Run For Presidency in 2020, And I’m Definitely Here For It

A recent poll shows that the former Vice President is most favored by Democrats for the 2020 elections.

Of all the Democrats surveyed, more than a quarter said Biden would be their first choice, and I can't say I disagree.

Joe Biden, for a politician, is incredibly authentic. He is charming and knows how to interact best with not only the American people, but foreign leaders and diplomats as well. He has played key parts in negotiations and handling other political and social upheavals. He also has an entire lifetime of political experience to show for his accomplishments.

Time and time again, Biden has shown us he is pro-women, pro-equal rights, and is aware and willing to support the working middle class. But it is more than just these aspects that makes him an exceptional candidate; Joe Biden is also a good middle ground for our overall political divide. While there is a plethora of reason why I, personally, believe Biden to be an excellent candidate, his ability to sit down with members of different parties, truly listen and discuss would makes him an exceptional Presidential candidate.

It is well known that the country is horribly divided, and this divide has only increased exponentially within these past two years. It is incredibly important that we begin to abate this discourse as quickly as possible, because at the end of the day, we are all American. United and as one nation. We stand for the same freedoms, rights, and privileges.

Both major parties, Republican and Democrats residing on Capitol Hill show respect for Joe Biden. Senator John McCain once called Biden one of the most consequential Vice Presidents, and Barack Obama has been full of praises for his running-mate

Joe Biden possesses all the skills required to at least be able to talk to the opposing party's leadership in Congress and reach an agreement to begin to heal the nation. Once we begin this resolution nationally, we can begin to mend and better our relationships internationally.

Strengthening our relationships with our allies is immensely important to protect our country as a whole. I fully believe that of all candidates running, this aspect is one that only Biden can truly and fully accomplish.

If Joe Biden were to run in the 2020 Presidential election, I am confident he would run middle ground. His not "extreme" stances would provide the perfect opportunity for both sides to acknowledge his platform, rather than removing him as an option for running too far left.

This is another aspect that truly sets Biden aside from many other of his fellow potential-nominees. In addition, Joe Biden is known for his ethics and would not be disregarded for being untruthful or integrity questioned.

All in all, while there has yet to be confirmation on whether ex-Senator and Vice President Joe Biden will actually run in the 2020 presidential elections, I truly am hopeful because I do believe that he might be the middle ground that our country needs after the whirlwind of the past few years.

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