There's an immense about of anticipation and anxiety surrounding the final moments of recruitment. Jess, Nick, Schmidt, Cece, Winston, and Coach understand. After recruitment, you will want to play one long game of True American.
1. The Moments Leading Up to Bid Day
It is truly torturous because you never know what might happen.
2. When You Have to Sit on Your Bid Card
Aka the longest moments of your life.
3. When They Tell You That You Can Finally Open Up Your Bid
Your heartbeat picks up, your eyes go wide, and suddenly you can't open an envelop anymore without fumbling.
4. Your Initial Reaction
It is just screaming and crying and more screaming.
5. Finding Everyone in Your PC
Suddenly some of the girls you went through recruitment with are the girls in your pledge class!! You get this awesome, instant connection with them and are constantly asking, "Wait, what was your name again?"
6. When You Finally Run Home
You are so tired at this point but the act of running home to your sisters fuels you to run faster than you ever have before.
7. Attempting to Find Your Name On A Sign in the Crowd
There is so much confusion and screaming and glitter that you suddenly lose the ability to read clearly.
8. When You Finally Find Your Bid Day Buddy
Everyone is screaming and you have an urge to jump into everyone's arms because you are so excited!!
9. Taking One Million Photos
From every angle, pose, and props imaginable. And you also gain 100 Instagram followers overnight.
10. Attempting to Learn All the Chants
And trying not to feel guilty when you mumble over some parts even though they are super easy to learn.
11. When You Get to Dance With All Your Sisters
12. When You Have to Leave
"So, you're telling me the party has to stop? But I don't WANT to leave!!"
13. Trying to Scrub Off the Glitter in the Shower
It is impossible and every sorority girl knows this. You find it hours, days, even weeks later still in your hair and skin.
14. When You Realize You Get to Go Back the Next Day
You are stressed and scared about bid day, but it is truly worth it, in the end, to see the faces of all your sisters as you run home and they welcome you to the family. Sororities sometimes get a bad reputation, but at their core, they cultivate and encourage strong girls to find a loving community. Bid day is the start of getting to know your family and people who will inspire and lift you up. Going through recruitment is confusing and you second guess your choices often, but after bid day, you can't imagine being anywhere else.