If you accepted a bid into a sorority and rushed the hill to them, you already know what this article is going to be about. The emotions, the high you get, and all those other bittersweet feelings that go along with the recruitment process.
Preference Party
The most important party of the whole process. It is also the most emotional. If you are a senior, you’ll need a box of tissues because trust me, there will be tears. You will remember everything that you felt at your preference party and why you chose your respective sorority. The party will go by way too fast and you wont even know how it’s possible that it was your last one. You’ll take pictures but they will suck because your face is all red and puffy from crying, but you don’t care because this was it. Before you know it, you are done and the bid list is being made.
Pre-Bid Day
The anticipation is KILLING you. At my school we don’t know whom we are going to get before they rush the hill. You are trying to keep your cool while stuffing your face with the delicious food the chapter alums got catered for you. You don’t want to eat but you know you need to because you have been up since 6 a.m. and only had an iced coffee and it is now 3 p.m. Forcing dinner down quickly, you then start getting ready for bid day because you have to look awesome (duh). Trying not to get your hopes up about that one girl that stood out to you more than anyone else you have to deflect your attention somehow. You tease your hair to the heavens, lay the cat eyeliner on thick, and use all the glitter you can so you sparkle. “This day is going to be better than Christmas” you think to yourself. If you are like me and hate Christmas (because you’re a witch) then bid day is one hundred times better.
All of your sisters and you are ready for the big day so you make your way up to where the new members will be rushing to you. Everywhere you look around there are pictures being taken. “I need to document this,” you say to a sister. You start snapping away while trying to soak in the surroundings and screaming your sorority chants at the top of your lungs. There is so much happening you can’t help but feel the happiness you had when you rushed the hill to your new family. Then you think about the girls you got and how they are feeling. This just makes you even happier.
Bid Day
The chapter gets to rush the hill. All the other sororities are already there and staring as you walk up. You all keep your cool because you are classy young women and are only concerned about your chapter. It's hot out, you are more tired than you have ever been, and you want these new girls to come rushing more than anything. Everyone is singing along to the music that is playing, taking pictures, and trying not to sweat off their make up and temporary tattoos. You can’t help but think about your girl. She’s perfect and would be an amazing addition to your college family. “Prepare for her to not be here,” you tell yourself. You’ve seen this all too many times.
Your favorite alum is there, all your friends that aren’t in sororities are there, and all your favorite men are there. Nothing can kill the mood at this point.
You’re dancing with all your sisters to pass the time but then you hear a loud yell. HERE THEY COME. The women who left your sorority to help the new ones find their homes come first. You have missed them being around and give them the biggest hugs you have ever given in your life. Right after they come out you see tons of girls running. The whole chapter notices at the same time. Chaos breaks out and you are screaming so much you get lightheaded. “Where is she," you are thinking. The new girls keep coming but she is nowhere in sight. All the girls you want are here though and you couldn’t be happier. You remember why you joined and realize these girls are about to start the best adventure they can in college.
Your girl didn’t run to you and you are devastated but hope she is happy wherever she went. You got all the other girls you wanted so you stay positive and celebrate. Everyone looks amazing and you are on a sorority high.
Remembering the reason you chose your sorority you tear up. It has done so much for you and you have done so much for it. The past years and experiences have shaped you into the woman you now are now and without it you don’t know where you would be.