If you are reading this and trying to get some advice, thanks for viewing this article. You probably are a girl who has a tough exterior but on the inside, you are a hopeless romantic. Here are some quotes, lessons, and bible verses I have heard and read over the years. The years when all of my other friends had boyfriends and I didn’t. I hope this helps you in some sort of way because I know they have helped me. Always remember what Kristen Clark said: “Your love story will never be more beautiful than the one you allow God to write for you.”
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1. "God promises to make something good out of the storms that bring devastation to your life". (Romans 8:28).
I know, storms come in all different types of things in life. They are hard to get through, yes, but our loving father Jesus is always there. Romans 8:28 reminds us that no matter how devastating, confusing or hard these storms are God is with us. And as he is always faithful he will make something good out of them.
2. "Our willingness to wait reveals the value we place on the object we're waiting for". (Charles Stanley in reference to Isaiah 64:4).
If we are more than willing to try different things and do other things with other people that can be a good thing. It actually shows the value we place on them. Whether it is a new friend or a prospective new relationship, we still have ideas on what we want it to be like. I am willing to give love a chance and if I get my heart broken by another person before the one it is okay.
With guys, if you try to do that, don't give up your standards or values, but you can compromise. If you think the guy should open the door and the guy you are with doesn't or tell him and explain to him why you want that, if he still doesn’t understand, say goodbye. If you tell him that you don't want to do things that he wants to do, that is okay. If he wants you to spend your whole day off with him instead of with your family and plans it without even listening to you, you can say no. He should be understanding when you tell him no. If he still doesn't understand or tries to talk you into what he wants after you keep saying no, its time to say goodbye.
With friends, you still should not give up your standards and values but try to compromise. If you don't like scary movies and your friend does, then just don't watch it unless you have to. But, your friend should be willing to watch your kind of movie too. If you don't like being around your friends and other people all the time and need some alone time, IT IS OKAY! Everyone sometimes needs "me time", it's how we make it through this crazy thing we live in called life. We sometimes need time to have time to ourselves, to reflect and refresh. It could be sleeping for longer than normal or just putting your headphones in. The way you do "me time" is how you do it, no one else should judge the way you do you.
3. Don't settle for less, just because you are too impatient to wait for the best
It is okay to have to think you have found the one before you actually do, I know because I have done it too. You are more than perfect, you are God's child, who is waiting for their match made in heaven. Whether you have to wait two minutes, months, years or even decades to be with that special person. Remember that IT IS OKAY TO BE IN RELATIONSHIPS BEFORE THEM. Sometimes, you might think you have found the one or have a mutual feeling with someone. But if you feel any red flags, don't just shoot them down right away but look into them and think and pray about them. By doing this, you are still being patient but also testing the waters.
4. Remind yourself of Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future."
As we grow up, we realize God's plan is the best plan we could ever ask for. We could not do this without him because he knows our every move and still loves us with the most unconditional love. You are his child and you are worth more than gold.
5. Keep waiting
Even when it is tough, just keep waiting day by day for something great will happen and when it happens you will stop waiting and start believing. Before you are ready for the one, you need to learn how to deal with yourself and how to love yourself, I still am working on that.
Here's a prayer that has helped me for years: Dear God, Thank you for making me and loving me even with all of my flaws. PLEASE help me to not settle for someone just because I am impatient or lonely. Please help me to remember that it is okay to have my heart broken before I find the one you made for me. I want to know my true on is my person. I want to be able to see it in his eyes and feel it in every single embrace. God, I do not want to settle for the so-so feeling because I am going to wait it out and get those really BIG butterflies, every single day for the rest of my life. I am going to stop searching, wait, and let your miracles and the magic happen on your time with your plan for my life. It might not be next week or next year, but please help me to wait for your timing which is perfect in every way. By placing my heart in your hands God, I know you will place it in the hands of a man who believes he deserves it.
So whether this helps you or helps someone you know. I hope you know that you are loved by so many people. And, as a fellow hopeless romantic, our time will come sooner than later. Us sisters in Christ need to stick together.
With all my love, E