Over the past year, I've been carefully keeping track of ''The Bible Project,'' a non-profit organization whose sole mission is to explain how the Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus and has profound wisdom for the modern world!
Along with their dozens upon dozens of animated videos and blog posts, they have an ongoing podcast series, featuring recorded conversations between the organization's two co-founders (Tim Mackie and Jon Collins) on various biblical topics.
But don't brush these podcasts off or underestimate them! These multi-part podcasts provide detailed conversations about basic theology: they are mostly a couple to a handful of hours long, and thoroughly explore the given topic of discussion, while also welcoming listeners of all theological (or even no theological) background.
There are five podcasts "series" from ''The Bible Project'' that I believe, at the very least, every Christian should check out. Put on some headphones, get your pen and notebook ready: these podcasts will greatly help you rethink and reflect on your faith, as well as help you understand what you are true to claiming to believe when you profess to be a Jesus follower!
1. "How to Read the Bible" (Parts 1-4).
Many Christians will talk about how much they are in love with "God's Word." Well, forget all that holier-than-thou language, humble yourself, and dive into this fun four-part conversation on what the Bible is, what it's for, and who it's for! (And also learn the differences between biblical narrative, poetry, and prose discourse!
2. "Heaven and Earth."
We don't "go to" Heaven. Heaven isn't some cloud-city in the sky where all the "good people" go after they die...if those sentences scare you, you should probably listen to this podcast. (And for those who like to pretend they don't scare you, check out this series anyways!)
3. "Understanding The Law" (Both Parts).
The Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament AKA what a lot of Christians call the boring books of the Bible) is actually one of my favorite sections of Scripture! This short, two-part podcast will bring incredible clarity and (hopefully) get you excited about reading the Torah, including the books of Leviticus and Numbers!
4. "The Day of the LORD."
One of the two best theme-focused series on TBP's podcast, Day of the LORD is incredibly insightful in realigning theological scoliosis we tend to have when thinking about God's judgment, how He deals with evil, and the "end times" everybody seems to think they know everything about!
5. "Exile" ("Of All Humanity" through "the Way Home").
The most mind-blowing podcast series from "The Bible Project" I have ever listened to! Honestly, no matter how much you think you know about the Bible or not, please give this series a listen. I am continually humbled by this and all of "The Bible Project" podcast series.