My favorite time of the year is this week-long camp I go to which is full of laughter, learning and deep late night emotional talks. What I am talking about is bible camp. It is an incredible time for a multitude of reasons. You do not necessarily have to be Christian to enjoy bible camp, because it is a wonderful time for everyone.
My home camp is called Wyoming Bible Camp, which is located in the Wind River Mountain Range just outside of Lander. I went to this camp when I was 16-years-old, and I recently was baptized and became a Christian weeks before I left with my best friend and his family. My friend had been going to this camp for years, since he was little, I honestly have no idea. I however was coming in as this new guy, someone who believed in God, but did not really know the details of the Christian life.
I can usually make pretty good friends, depending on the situation, yet I was still nervous. However, this is a Christian camp and this was before I knew that Christians are some of the most friendly people on God's green Earth. It was not long before I got to know these people, who now are basically my other family. Aside from making friends and having a blast, camp does something else.
Camp challenges you emotionally and spiritually. You will cry multiple times (guaranteed) and that is not a bad thing. In the classes, you will be provoked in your thinking and understanding to which you may not be sure what you believe, thus causing you to go deeper into God's word. Each year, I am surprised about how much I do not know, and I do what I can to soak up every word. There are many people that offer different perspectives on the topic you are studying to help you know God's word even more.
Each day praying and worshipping brings out this fire within you while at camp. There is this spirit that fills you and makes the moments worshipping unbelievable. Being on a mountain and away from the city gets rid of the distractions that hold you back from fully worshipping God and it creates such an amazing experience. At the end of each night you just feel a peace come over you.
Eventually, within your cabin, you will have conversations with others around you, opening up to them your problems and talking about them. Camp brings people together, there are adventures and great times, but the emotional talks and spiritually stimulating classes and services change you. After each session you come out a different person having learned something new. At the end of each week you ask yourself, "How did it go by so fast?" When you reach home, it feels just a little different. Personally I pray that the feeling I have after camp never leaves.
I have been to multiple camps and I have spoken to others and their experiences at camp. It is truly one of a kind. With all the different camps out there, they all hold special meanings to many people. I deeply encourage everyone to go to camp, at whatever age, they welcome all. The most memorable moments I have had, come from bible camp. Talk to others who have gone and they will have stories to tell. Stories from the great times with friends to testimonies about how they became closer to God. It is truly a remarkable experience.