To my Best Friend moving to another state,
You leave very soon now and I feel like there are some important things I must say. You came into my life at a very crucial moment. You brought so much laughter and many memories into my life and for that, I am forever grateful. Even though recently we have not had the time to see each other very often, we still keep in contact. I can go to you for anything without judgement, you’re my person and my unexpected best friend.
I guess our friendship fell out of nowhere and landed us right next to each other. At first, we were just acquaintances and honestly, I had no idea how close we would become. You let me open up to you and you took me in just as I was. I didn’t need to change or act different, you simply let me be myself. You showed me what being a true friend really means. And quite frankly, we both needed a true friend at the time.
You were right when you said our friendship is different, a good different. How great is it to be able to hangout with someone and have the time of our lives without being intoxicated. I believe, in this generation being able to have fun 'just because' is rare. Whether it's laughing so hard we have to pee, hanging out in the barn or falling asleep watching Cars 3. Every memory we have made is so special to me.
Saying our goodbyes before I left for college was awful; I was leaving my best friend behind. Our girl talks and movie nights were my absolute favorite. I finally found a friend who was true to who they said they were, someone I could really count on. I know you're not aware of how much this means to me. Hopefully, after reading this, you will understand. But what hurts the most is now you are the one leaving and I am the one left behind. Even if it hurts, I am so happy for you and this new endeavor you are beginning, you deserve the world and everything it has to offer. So when you doubt yourself and the decision you are making, just remember that this is a time in your life for growing.
There is so much for me to be thankful for, but I am most thankful for our friendship. You have supported me and my writing to the fullest. This is the best gesture anyone could have done for me. You never once doubted me in anything I've pursued, you simply pushed me to become better. The fact is; I found a best friend who I can trust with all of myself. We have so much in common and sometimes that causes us to bicker, but in the end we always come to our senses.
Moving across the country is a whole new experience, begging to be discovered. I hope you create new memories and really enjoy this time in your life. I know we will stay in contact and I cannot wait to hear all about this new place and time in your life. Do not forget that I am just a phone call away and will always be here for you when you need me. I hope you make wonderful new friends that show you the time of your life and hopefully so much more. You really do deserve the world. So go out and own it!
-With love, your bff