18 years and approximately two months ago, I was walking away from my mom’s arms and into the doors of my pre-school, The Tanglewood School. Little did I know, that school would give me the best gift it could ever give a little girl. That gift? My best friend.
For two years we went to the same school together. We experienced the short time together in pre-k as kids and, we didn’t know it then, but we would be friends for life.
We only had gone to school together for just those two years and never were together in school after that. We lived not too far from each other, but far enough that I didn’t see her everyday. When we could, we were always hanging out, whether it be at my house or hers, down at the beach with our moms, going to dance school together, or joining cheer teams together. I experienced so many things with this girl without being with her everyday at school.
I can barley remember those years but every day I thank The Tanglewood School for giving me my best friend.
This following letter goes out to my very best friend, my sister from another mister, my forever friend,
All the things I am about to say now, you’ve probably heard me say a thousand times over but there’s never enough words or enough times I could say how much you mean to me. Every day I learn how people come into your life for a purpose, and I know that that saying is true because you have come into my life and have had more purposes than just one.
Through all the times with you, I wouldn’t change anything even if I had the chance. For all the times we didn’t speak for days over god knows what, took those awkward pictures when we were in high school, stayed up late baking at home or just simply texted each other to see how we were doing, you were there through it all. We’ve gotten older, I’ve gone away to college and we don’t see each other as often anymore. Despite the distance, and all the times I’m not home to see you, I know that when I do see you, things never change and they pick up from the last time we were together. We have learned how to stay close to each other and continue our long lasting friendship despite being miles and miles apart.
Being friends with you has not only given me a sister I always wanted, but also a second family that opened me with welcoming arms. Your mom, your dad, and your brother all are like a second family to me, and for that I am grateful for. Thank you for all the memories that you and your family gave me, the times at the beach, at your house, or just car rides to or from the mall.
There’s so many things I want to thank you for, so many times you were there for me. Thank you for all the well written birthday cards that always made me tear up when I read them. Thank you for all the times you spent with me at my house listening to me vent. Thank you for making me feel as special as you make me feel, especially when I need it the most. Thank you for being the very best friend and never leaving my side. Thank you for being my diary, my go-to, my sister, but most of all, thank you for being you.
You have been my person through all these years and I can only hope that things remain the same for all the years to come. For all the times I second guessed myself or needed an opinion, I know I could always count on you to be a text away. I know that when I do ask for your opinion or advice, you’ll be the most honest with me, even if you’re going to tell me I’m wrong. There was never a moment that I didn’t think you were right or later you ended up being right.
You have been something in my life that has been the most constant, the most impacting, and the most meaningful. I have always had you by my side and I’m truly thankful for that. You will always be my very best friend and I’ll never have to doubt that. All your words and thoughts have always been with me, through the good times and bad times. I never know how to truly express how much you mean to me or how thankful I am for you. I hope one day I can show you or explain to you how much that is.
Just know that near or far, I’ll always be there for you. I may be miles and miles away from you right now but no matter how far away I am, the one thing that never changes is that you’ll always be my best friend. One of the best friend duties I have is to make sure that you know you are always loved. I am so proud to call you my forever friend and I’m not sure what I would do without you.
I’m going to leave you off with a quote that really struck me as I was watching a movie the other day,
“Sometimes in life there really are bonds formed that can never be broken. Sometimes you really can find that one person who will stand by you no matter what. Maybe you'll find it in a spouse and celebrate it with your dream wedding. But there's also the chance that the person you can count on for a lifetime, the person who knows you sometimes better than you know yourself, is the same person who's been standing beside you all along.” -Bride Wars, 2009
Our bond will never be broken, you will always be my person, and I’m happy to have had you by my side all these years. Here’s to 18 years and counting.
Love you always,
Your BFF