This week in the United States has created many discussions concerning race, police brutality, and basic human rights. With the recent deaths of two black men, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, and the more recent shootings in Dallas, Texas, tragedy seems to have immersed itself into American Culture. Many celebrities, journalists, and news anchors have all had a moment of reflection to dissect each situation to find some type of understanding. One celebrity, however, has found herself in the mix. Beyoncé has always been a supporter of the Black Lives Matter group, especially in her very controversial SuperBowl Performance where she debuted her Formation World Tour with the song, "Formation." Causing controversy of the meaning of the song and the dancers uniform (dressing as Black Panthers) has placed the singer in an unique position. Some called the performance of very anti-police. To believe Beyoncé is anti-police is a false idea. She maintains a path that believes in justice. She said herself in an interview with Elle Magazine, "I have so much admiration and respect for officers and the families of officers who sacrifice themselves to keep us safe,” she said. “But let’s be clear: I am against police brutality and injustice. Those are two separate things.” (Read More.)
Placed in the forefront of the movement, she released a very straightforward message on her website, Beyoncé.com, addressing the recent deaths of two black men involved in police gun violence.
The proverbial "we" is referencing the black community itself and asks for this specific community and other minorities to demand their lives be respected. The statement asks for people that receives any hate to email their congressman to justly address issues of punishment towards police officers and gun control. The last sentence is the most optimistic of her statement, "Your voice will be heard," separates itself from being a plea/cry for help instead to a demand. The demand of wanting justice. The demand of not living with fear. Beyoncé urges her fans to fight for the next generation- what this society does to address these issues will impact the lives of anyone's children. You do not have to agree with her stance, but what society needs to do is start addressing that there is an issue. Innocent civilians and officers are dying, an obvious issue. Take notice and utilize your voice.