As a sophomore Political Science major, I should love to debate right? Wrong. I used to be the kind of person who was very vocal about my opinion on certain political topics. I loved talking about my view on things and sharing my thoughts. Over the years I have realized that debating can be extremely entertaining, until you come face to face with someone who has the complete opposite opinion as you. Of course a little confrontation can spark things up a bit, but I have been in situations where I did not know if I was still going to be friends with the person after our talk.
I decided to write this article because I have recently been a witness to a very heated political debate, but this time I was only viewing the absurdity. I was thinking to myself, "Wow, it feels good to just watch for once." Sure, I dropped a comment every once in a while (I could not help myself), but it was better to watch than be watched.
My dad sat me down once and gave me some very valuable advice that I have taken with me since then on, "Agree to Disagree." This statement is a popular one, but should not be taken lightly. I have realized that everyone has different opinions, and on certain issues, they will never see your side of the topic. For example, on the issue of abortion: if you are ProLife and the person you are debating with is ProChoice; you are basically arguing with a brick wall. There are valid points on either side but the other person will never agree with you at the end of the day. You are wasting your breath.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying to not debate. It is a great way to see the perspective of the other side and dispute with another person who is just as passionate about a topic as you are. All I'm saying is there is a place for debating, and I don't think it should be at the dinner table when your grandmother is over for dinner. Your relationships with people are more valuable than fighting over gun control.
The most important thing to understand about differences is that you have to be able to understand not only what you are talking about, but what the other person is discussing also. This is why I have always stuck to the mantra that knowledge is power. The more informed you are on a subject, the easier it is to discuss it intelligently. The current presidential race will be one for the history books. The presidential debates will be a chance to see how intelligent these candidates are. The choice made by the people based on these debates will influence the direction of our country for the foreseeable future. Be informed and cast your vote accordingly.