I was the girl in the seemingly-perfect relationship in high school. I was the girl who was always "happy." I was the girl who had someone.
From the outside looking in, it was great. I thought I was in love, and I guess at the time I was.
I was also the girl who couldn't do certain things, because I was afraid it would make him mad. I couldn't hang out with certain people, because he didn't like them.
I was the girl who made long-term decisions based on him. I was the girl who wasn't as outgoing as I wanted or could have been.
I walked on egg shells around him. I was a different person before him, during him and after him.
He changed me.
We were both young and dumb. Which is fine. You can't get everything right the first time around.
I'm not mad. I don't hold any grudges.
I can forgive, but I won't ever forget how he made me feel.
I deserved more, but because I was young and "in love," I let what I had overshadow what I wanted. I let him let me make stupid choices, instead of pushing me to do better.
Now, that relationship led me to who I am today, who he is today, and where we are in life today. I don't wish it never happened. I wish him well.
However, if there is one thing I can say to people in high school right now, it would be not to date.
You are so young. You have so much to do, you have so much life to live.
I don't think he was a bad person. I was just simply too young to know/understand what I wanted. I was too young to recognize what I deserved. I was too young.
You see what I mean here?
In high school, you are still growing up. You are still navigating your hopes and dreams. You still have so much to learn, so many decisions to make and a million opportunities.
It doesn't matter what you think; Being in a relationship makes you different. Whether it's good or bad, change will happen.
You can't make decisions solely for yourself if you are involved with someone. No matter what you want, you will subconsciously be making decisions thinking of that person. That's just how it works.
When you are in high school, there is so much pressure to be what everyone else wants you to be. You have friends, family, teachers, society, and yourself all having different expectations. Adding another person, is not the brightest idea.
When I graduated, I was single. The summer after high school was the time of my life.
Not because I could "do what I wanted," but because I didn't have anyone to impress. I didn't have anyone always making me feel like I had to be anything that I wasn't. It was just me.
That was who I was living for. I was making decisions for me. I dressed for me. I went to dinner and movies by myself. I lived for myself.
I'm not here to knock high school sweethearts. Everyone is different.
I just know you have one life to live. High school is a monumental time. When you have these decisions to make, make them for yourself, if nothing else.
It's really hard to know what you want. It's even harder to know with another person's influence.
Dating during high school isn't easy in general. Just try and make sure (that if you do) you never let that person's thoughts and ideas mask your own.
High school is a time for fun. Play sports, be in plays, help with the yearbook, and hang out with friends. No one know's what they want or what they're doing when dating in high school. Steer clear of the drama, and be a kid as long as you can.
Trust me, you'll miss high school. Don't let your memories be clouded by meaningless heartbreaks, and dumb exes.
Stay true to yourself, love yourself and be yourself.