If you have found your way to this article I am assuming it's because you're curious as to what some twenty-something-year-old has to say about bettering yourself. Well, you are in luck. I, with my almost twenty-one years of compiled knowledge, am going to try and tell you how you can be a better you.
Step 1: Find a comfortable place to sit, grab a notebook and begin writing all the things you wish you could be, but aren't. Once you're done with that, take that piece of paper and throw it in the trash. You won't be needing that. Start on a fresh piece of paper. On this one I'd like you to do something different, write all of your most apparent qualities. Negative or positive, physical or mental, just write them down.
Step 2:Take the piece of paper from Step 1 and take a good look at it. This is how you see yourself. Now think about all of the things you wrote down and think about if there are more negative or positive qualities. Keep those in mind while I tell you this next task.
Step 3:Find every person you've ever met, every friend you've ever made, every family member who has ever known you, and ask them how they feel about you. Then take in to account that the only opinion that matters here is yours. Completely disregard everything any of those people decided to say about you.
Step 4:Take some time to reflect on your past. The mistakes you've made, the decisions that changed you and the people who have affected you. Reflect on how you've changed over the years, for better or worse. Take into account all of your positive memories before taking in the negative ones. We'll deal with the negative ones in the next step.
Step 5: This is the most important step. This is the step where you let go of the past. Stop thinking about the people who have wronged you, and the people you have wronged. Stop thinking about the missed opportunities and the regrets. I know this is a hard step, but it's worth while, believe me.
Step 6: The last step, just as important as Step 5. Realize that you are amazing, who ever you are. You are here on this planet for a purpose, even if you haven't found it yet. No matter what the mirror reflects or the scale reads, you are a beautiful person. If you really want to better yourself just look in the mirror and tell yourself you are better. One of the best way to better your self is to get the thought out of your head that there was something wrong about you in the first place.
Now, I'm not a psychologist. I'm not a motivational speaker. I have no idea if statistics on self-improvement relate to what I said. What I do know is that you'll never get anywhere without loving yourself first. Find that courage that I know you have inside of you. Go to the gym. Go to that cooking class. Go to class in general. Go tell that person you're sorry, and then either let them go, or get them back. But never let them consume you. Go learn to love yourself. In the end they best way to be a better you, is to love who you are.