Blue fingers, blue nails, blue lips, blue skin,
Blue brows, blue nose, blue teeth, blue chin.
Blue toes, blue legs, blue arms, blue ears,
Blue cheeks, blue eyes crying streams of blue tears.
Blue bows pinching strands of blue-tinted hair.
Blue skirts and blue shirts that her blue body wears.
Blue is the sound that she makes when she talks,
Blue is her strides to the tune that she walks.
Of all the people I know to be true,
This person yearns to be something new.
Red fingers, red nails, red lips, red skin,
Red brows, red nose, red teeth, red chin.
Red toes, red legs, red arms, red ears,
Red cheeks, red eyes crying streams of red tears.
Red hat tilted east atop highlighted red hair,
Red lungs and red tongue that his red body wears.
Red is the sound that he makes when he talks,
Red is his strides that he makes when he walks.
No matter what people have done or have said,
This person longs for new waters to tread.
Blue legs drag hopelessly, leaving blue-stained cement,
Red arms are crossed sourly, red mouth is sharply bent.
Blue ears hear red cries and expose curiosity,
Blue legs pick up speed, no longer filled with animosity.
Red torso turns sharply and sees the blue form,
Red heart starts to swell, a red blush leaves him warm.
Blue face shows a smile with glossy blue teeth,
Blue words flutter out with hope underneath.
Red eyes start to widen, red goosebumps start to spread,
Red words refuse to come forth and crawl back into bed.
Blue heart starts to pump, blue brain flashes lights.
Blue butterflies flap their wings and take part in blue flight.
Red thoughts are now changing, transforming to actions.
Red sweat pokes through pores as he feels the attraction.
At this moment of time, both knew it was clear,
That the colors of the Earth were always meant to smear.
To shorten the long, to sing without song,
Would be doing this world an unnecessary wrong.
Blue wanted red, and red wanted blue,
And so forth the dawn of purple broke through.