Change is obviously something that many people tend to need to "grin and bear it," but this ideology that change is negative dissonance in our lives just simply is not true. As I grow older (and I guess wiser), I have found myself reacting MUCH better to a change of scenery and usually prefer one if I'm kept in one routine for too long. This is how & why I was forced to understand that success and ongoing happiness most ALWAYS is accompanied by the art of change.
When I say the term 'change,' I am most basically referring to what is usually perceived as a negative change. This societal fear of change is embedded into our heads as young children with the copious amounts of stereotypes presented regarding reactions with change. From television and cinema to social media and literature, we are constantly told that change is always initially seen as a terrifying event in a person's life. This type of reaction to changes in the entertainment industry today is ESPECIALLY prevalent throughout teenagers reaction to situations revolving around change.
As simple as that sounds, it actually really damages the way that teenagers and young adults react to change. I always thought this idea that teenagers and young adults (the people who are going through the most amount of physical, emotional, and mental change) would most likely be hurt by these stereotypes and influence bad decision making to stay away from change at any cost.
In actuality, change is inevitable. In order to progress in life, an individual must change. They will be forced to change physically, in that their body will begin to develop in correspondence with puberty, mentally and emotionally in so many other ways. But the key to taking on change and attacking it head on is to think about progression. Without progression, humankind would simply cease to exist. That may sound a little extreme to say but really think about it. Progression is present in things like science, medicine, industry, productivity, education, lawmaking and so many core principles that help set guidelines in our societies throughout the entire world. Yes, these changes are very broad, but nevertheless, they are vital in making our society fit into contemporary times. Without change and humankind's cooperation with it, humans would not exist today. You would not exist today.
I am shining the spotlight on change throughout societal structures because change is the reason for progression of mankind, but this is exactly what made me realize that my own personal changes in my life are just as vital for my own progression. Progression is the pathway to success, in terms of people as a whole and each individual's own pathway to success. When I was able to take a step back and analyze this, I understood that change is necessary and bearable if you think about where it can bring you. One of the scariest changes in my life was packing up my entire life, moving out of the house I lived in for eighteen years and moving to Arizona alone. I was brutally terrified to accept this change and there were dozens of times I second-guessed my initial decision. Ultimately, I persevered and accepted my fear of change and even began to embrace it. Three years after that decision when I look back at it, I couldn't imagine being as happy and content as I am because of this change.
Arizona was the biggest change in my life, but I know there will be even bigger changes to come. When they do, I cannot say I will be happy to endure it, but I will continue to remind myself of the crazy amount of positive outcomes I was able to benefit from after making this change in my daily routine. Accept change, don't fear it. Progression is vital to succeed!