New Year, new me? Nope. New year, better me. It’s interesting how we wait until the New Year to set resolutions for ourselves. To better our health, wellbeing, or self-worth, we set these goals for the New Year.
Interestingly enough, we wait to start changing for the better. We wait until it’s socially acceptable to start over. When the rest of the world is working on a better them, then it’s expected for you to do the same.
Here is the thing, I do set new years resolutions, but this is to challenge myself. To better me, not change me. Although, I do set a New Year's resolution for the start of the year, I also set resolutions for myself everyday. Some days are larger than others, but that’s not the point. The point is that I challenge myself to be a better version of myself everyday, and you should too.
Use this New Year to start a new journey for yourself, and stop thinking that resolutions can only be set at the New Year. That just isn’t true. You can set a resolution for yourself that is specific to your wants and needs, and no one else’s. That’s why it’s YOUR resolution. We can all use some improving, but that’s what makes these resolutions so important. They give you a chance to create a personalized goal for yourself.
It is common for society to view these resolutions as temporary, or has a low success rate. But these statistics shouldn’t keep you from going after your dreams.
So, set those resolutions, whether it is for New Years, or not. It is worth starting today.