Having a disorder within the mind can be seen as incredibly crippling to many people who cease to understand the spectrum of all disorders. No one individual is the same and not all carry the severity at a certain level. In a weird way, these struggles are all incredibly unique to the individual and circumstance surrounding them. With many disorders such as anxiety and depression, there are some good and bad days due to the wave of emotions and often the side-effects of most medication. That is where self-care comes into play. It is easy for your brain to get caught up in the disorder and forget simplicity and even your own happiness. I maintain a list in my head of things that often help me and that often help others as well. Below, I will be sharing some of my favorite ways to jumpstart the energy around me or help to calm my uneasy soul :)
1. Nothing better than a purring cat in your lap.
My Juno continues to put a smile on my face and a complete relief to my anxiety with a quick hug or snuggle. An animal by your side can be a great relief because they will always be there with a great hope in their eyes.
2. A trip outside the house to be creative!
Starbucks, the library, and many more places are very helpful in creating a calm setting surrounded by people even when the disorder doesn’t like it. Something to drink plus an article to write or picture to create has always helped.
3. For some cleaning can be dreadful, but it can be very helpful for someone with depression!
This activity both gets me on my feet and helps me feel awesome about the state of my environment. When your mind can feel like a mess, then the place you calm a home and refuge doesn’t stand in your way for bettering your health.
4. Creating a very simple routine whether it be weekly or daily, this can help re-align motivations and even worth to daily life.
I try to get in doing laundry once weekly and this typically occurs Friday or on the weekend. This one completion helps set me up for the rest of the week.
5. Having the day to myself.
Some very important moments of clarity and relaxation can come at a time where you take care of yourself. It can range from giving yourself a pedicure to taking a trip to your favorite store or place near you. This can give you room and time to think.
If you don’t make sure that you are okay then you can’t help the rest of the world. But take it a day at a time, because even though you are fantastic... you are only human!