For some people, being late or turning something in late is their greatest nightmare. For others, they’ll stroll in casually 20 minutes late. No big deal! And others still are somewhere in between; they don't like being late but they're definitely turning in their odyssey article a day late after they forgot to ask for an extension (shout out to all the odyssey editors that are still putting up with me).
There’s being late and then there's turning things in late. Some people do both, others do neither, and others still do one or the other. Here are some thoughts that people who suffer from lateness often have.
I Have Time
If we're being honest, you probably don't.
But What Can Five More Minutes Hurt?
This goes right along with “I have time.” You don't have time and five more minutes just means that you're likely five more minutes late.
I Think It Would Be Okay To Skip…
This is another situation where it's probably not okay. For example, it's more acceptable to skip a college class than it is to skip work. But to be safe, just assume that it's not okay to skip.
I’ve Been On Time For [Insert Number Of Days Here] In A Row!
That's great! Keep it up. That's not an excuse to be late today. Get out of bed, turn off Netflix, and get going so that you can continue your streak!
How Late Can I Be Before It's Unacceptable?
If you're asking this, you're already late. Just hurry up and get where you're going!
I Can Do It Tomorrow
Procrastination at its finest. Who doesn't love to procrastinate? Why do that essay when you know you have some time tomorrow?
I Can [Still] Do It Tomorrow
Wait, you're still putting it off? You're making it harder for yourself! Get working on it!
Due Tomorrow? Do Tomorrow!
YOU DON’T GET IT! Do you just like to panic when you do your work?
I’m Not Going To Procrastinate Anymore
Right. That's what they all say.
I Shouldn't Have Put This Off
Even those who say they do better under pressure eventually crack and realize that they “should not have put this off.” Everyone does it, everyone advises against it, but everyone still does it.
It’s finals week for many colleges. Whether you have finals or just need to turn in final essays, try to avoid these thoughts! Many professors will not let you take your final if you come in late, so the answer to number five is absolutely do not be late. Many professors take off points if you turn in a paper late (some will even take off up to ten points from the top if it's late). Do you really want to take that chance? Get it done and get it turned in!
To everyone taking finals this week: may the curve be ever in your favor and may your memory be with you.
Are you always running late? Is it time for you to start wearing a watch? Know somebody who is always late? Let me know in the comments below and share this on to give someone a reason why their running late!