When I originally sat down to write this article, I was planning on writing on how much the dating culture in 2018 sucks. Like, really sucks. But when I was drafting the reasons as to why it's all so lousy, it quickly got incredibly negative. I couldn't even write the article because I saw no point in taking my time to write something negative, and I definitely don't want to weigh your day down with that.
We all know it sucks, but we can't really do much to change that.
You can always change your attitude though. You can change you how respond to situations and you can make the most of the lousiest of situations. Here are five ways to keep that chin up these last few months of the year!
1. "If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.” – Maya Angelou
Honestly how cool is it that we have so much control over our lives? If you don't like your town, you can move. If you're unhappy at your school, you can transfer. If you don't like your job, there's a million out there. Sure it's easier said than done, but a lot of times if you work hard enough you can change a lot of your circumstances if you're unhappy with them. Don't complain; what does that fix? Having a negative attitude only makes things worse, and no one has time for that. Life is sweeter when you learn to let go. Let go of trying to control everything, put in the work to change what you can, and accept what you can't change. It makes a difference.
2. Welcome change
Unpopular opinion: change is underrated. Change is exciting. Even if it means doors are being closed for you, remember there's far better opportunities ahead that you haven't gotten to yet. Change is a good thing – welcome it.
3. Independence is important
I'm in love with independence. I like doing things alone, and I think that's important. Make sure you keep a balance; don't let your introverted side get the best of you, but become comfortable with being alone, and doing things for yourself by yourself. It makes you better and it makes life easier. It's a win win.
4. Say yes
"Be brave. Be wild. And stay forever hungry for art, love, knowledge, and adventure." – Erin Van Vuren
I can't say this enough – always keep an open mind! Say yes to trying new things that might be outside of your comfort zone a little bit. I think it's good to do things that scare you a little bit. It can make such a difference in your every day life. The best memories are the ones that are so spontaneous and fail to make it to social media.
5. Be intentional
Last one, best one. My favorite. Be intentional in everything you come across: your school work, your job, your relationships, friendships, time… intentions are so good and so rare. Don't act carelessly or without thinking, remember that at the end of the day your actions go so much further than you realize. Reaching out and loving intentionally is one of the most beautiful things to witness. Having intentions with people nowadays is such a breath of fresh air.
Now look at you, you difference maker. Go take the last five months of the year by a storm.